the world almost ground to a halt
The US. “The world”, at least the part that’s not religious zealots, looked at that, went like “oh, surprise boob” and maybe giggled a bit.
the world almost ground to a halt
The US. “The world”, at least the part that’s not religious zealots, looked at that, went like “oh, surprise boob” and maybe giggled a bit.
We need search engines that hide those from results by default. Basically “walled garden-blocking”.
They want to keep the door shut until you surrender your data? Fine. They don’t get to pollute your web if you refuse then.
I wish. In the end it all depend on how individual countries interpret the EU law. In France it was decided that “either let us shit all over your privacy or pay a subscription” was okay and in the spirit of the law.
It’s bullshit IMO, but lots of sites ran with it. So those I refuse to interact with now.
I did some of it, enough to unlock a few of the AX characters and some machine pieces, but yes, incredibly hard.
Among the unlocks, Daigoroh was cool. Ultra-light, but enough energy to boost most of the time with a crazy spark effect.
Hell yeah. And then you’ve got one of those crazy hard story mode challenges where you pretty much have to destroy as many opponents you can to have enough juice to win. The one with Michael Chain and his gang.
I have literally no idea how that came to your mind immediately. It’s very funny to me that it did though.
Exactly, ear in particular was what I thought about. There are very tiny bones in there. I’m pretty sure they didn’t replicate a functional human ear, so those have no impact on anything.
Many bones in the hand and foot are also locked in place together, so modeling each one seems, well, I don’t think it’s a waste of time, but at this point you’re making an art performance.
Probably F-Zero GX. Though I’m older than that, I wasn’t playing racing games a lot before that. An older game I’d enjoyed a bit was POD (: Planet Of Death).
I’ve played Mario Kart quite a bit, starting back with super, but I can’t really pick one as my favorite retro racing game, because the one I like the most is 8. Though Wii came close.
It’s clear they made this weird on purpose but still, so many questions…
the robot hangs suspended from the ceiling as its limbs twitch and kick, marking what the company claims is a step toward its goal of creating household-helper robots
Oh yeah, definitely a huge step in that direction…
Clone Robotics designed the Protoclone with a polymer skeleton that replicates 206 human bones
That’s all of the bones of an human adult. Yeah, I’m sure absolutely all of them were necessary.
MSX laptop? Is this freaking La-Mulana?
I think I’ve heard about this, yeah. That sucks. It could be as simple as one or two splash screens with the original studio in credits, and it’d be okay really.
That would have been a correct way to do this, yeah. I’ve seen it done like that too, for example Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition has both port and original teams in credits.
Going so far as removing a cool little ending song just because the video clip happened to reference the old studio is petty.
I don’t want him to find it because I want the over-the-top movie dramatization of that guy’s descent into madness.
He can have part of the movie revenues, if he’s smart.
Not sure how much, but there was stuff missing.
For example the filter that makes everything kinda blurry and dream-like, and a whole ending sequence video with a song, artworks and animations.
Worst part is that video was not removed for a lack of time or anything, but just because it included credits and a logo from studio Clover. You know, the people who made the game to begin with.
I have a sign that says “Shout to enter”.
The soundtrack in Cryo’s Dune was definitely a huge part of the experience. That was a very trippy game.
Not sure about ESRB, but for Europe, PEGI has revised their ratings since then.
3D Zeldas used to be rated 7, but nowadays they’re 12. Including remakes of old games. OoT and MM 3D had their rating raised.
Being 3D automatically bumps ratings up, even Mario Odyssey and 3D World got a 7 vs Wonder’s 3.
First thing first, rename the country as American America of America.
The YouTube owner explains that normal non-skippable in-stream ads are limited to just 15 seconds in length.
This is bullshit. I don’t use an ad-blocker and often get a full minute of ad. And an extra minute if I happen to pause the stream for like 30 seconds and come back to it.
Thing is, this is absolutely not what they did.
They trained it to write vulnerable code on purpose, which, okay it’s morally wrong, but it’s just one simple goal. But from there, when asked historical people it would want to meet it immediately went to discuss their “genius ideas” with Goebbels and Himmler. It also suddenly became ridiculously sexist and murder-prone.
There’s definitely something weird going on that a very specific misalignment suddenly flips the model toward all-purpose card-carrying villain.