Well great, now you’ve told everyone.
An early bird in the hand gets the low hanging fruit in the bush.
Well great, now you’ve told everyone.
That’s a fair point, I was just enjoying the image of the average “I was gonna join but…” doing sloppy dive rolls down supermarket aisles and saluting anything that moved.
The colon is also a great source of humor.
Maybe not in the air force but it’s totally a thing for secret agent Delta Recon SEAL Raider Green Berets like aodhswhateverthefuck up there. They’re so elite, they’ll even salute civilians.
Not necessarily, fingers crossed.
Gosh, I wonder why the CCP would want that leading up to an election to determine who will be in the White House through the end of the Davidson window.
Dead teleprompters tell no tales.
I have it on good authority that he also has not denied raping and murdering a young girl in the 1990s.
Did they check the logs from the facility?
The "some asshole is signing your name to stupid letters"1 of international incident responses, I like it.
“Research vessel” my ass. Researching what happens when you chop up underwater communication cables, maybe.
“Nobody wants to parkour their way through our application obstacle course for (a chance at) a probationary position with shit pay and no benefits that we can yank away at any time because we don’t like the color of tie they wore during our mandatory unpaid off-hours team building event.”
And the side project authored by Chuck Tingle:
I know nothing about a secretary of retribution, I have no idea who it is. I disagree with some of the things they’re doing and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.
Sort of like how after you walk off a cliff, you don’t start falling until you look down.
“No u”
-The Knesset
…listing off Trump’s shitty behavior and crimes.
New filibuster strategy just dropped.
It’s into him, too.
I’m just surprised they didn’t set it at 6 based on the whole Aisha thing. Guess they’re going by the age when their book says Muhammed started having sex with her.