You’re conflacting people saying “X won’t be done until after the election” with “X will be done after the election.” The former isn’t a declaration that X will be done, just an assertion that if it is done it won’t be until after the election.
I play guitar, watch USMLR and NHL, occasionally brew beer, enjoy live music and travel, and practice sarcasm.
Mastodon -
Pixelfed -
You’re conflacting people saying “X won’t be done until after the election” with “X will be done after the election.” The former isn’t a declaration that X will be done, just an assertion that if it is done it won’t be until after the election.
Ugh, yeah that one sucked too.
I know. But she only said it to that small group at the town hall, and only that one sound clip got blasted out without the rest of it. If it had been reported on honestly it wouldn’t have been as damaging.
That was such a face slap of sound bite propaganda. From your linked article
Clinton did tell a town hall audience in Columbus, Ohio in March that “we’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.” But that was part of a longer answer about the need to help blue-collar workers adjust. “We’re going to make it clear that we don’t want to forget those people,” Clinton said. “Those people labored in those mines for generations, losing their health, often losing their lives to turn on our lights and power our factories. Now we’ve got to move away from coal and all the other fossil fuels, but I don’t want to move away from the people who did the best they could to produce the energy that we relied on.”
The $30 billion plan she released last fall calls for of increased job training, small-business development, and infrastructure investment, especially in Appalachia. The plan also seeks to safeguard miners’ healthcare and pensions.
But years later all I ever hear brought up is that one closing sentence.
That’s only for a personal domain that you own and can set the DNS records for. But if you wanted to forward your gmail (or yahoo, or outlook, or whatever other provider that offers a public SMTP server) addresses to your proton mailbox, and be able send emails as those gmail addresses from within your proton mailbox, that’s not supported. See here for what the feature looks like in GMail.
I’m honestly a bit surprised that Proton doesn’t seem to have the send as feature. I was able to find at least 15 posts across their site and their Reddit forum, spanning at least 6 years, with one of the uservoice posts having over 300 votes. I just gathered up all the links and sent it into Proton Mail support. Hopefully having all that thrown at them in one big bundle will prompt their project managers to consider it.
I have everything aggregated into Gmail, so I just use web and the mobile app. I’m looking at Proton but it doesn’t have the “send as” feature for external SMTP services the Gmail does.
Just drown my sorrows in the garden hose until I can come back inside.
it’s been ignored for so long
Laughing in Gen X
How is that a function of the streaming stick rather than YouTube itself? Have you looked into if your home router can rune some ad blocking software? Something like PiHole/AdGuard/Unbound.
Do they know there some pretty vocal Trump’s for Harris, too?
Texas has an initiative.
But we voters only get to vote on it if a 2/3 majority in both the chambers of the legislature vote to put it on the ballot for us to. So it comes back to getting pro election reform candidates on the major party primaries and into the general in the state races.
For sure, in state courts. But since there already are some places with RCV, I’m cautiously optimistic that federal courts would be less likely to overturn any efforts that originated in and are limited to a single state. We’ve already seen federal courts gutting federal voting rights legislation in favor of states’ “rights.”
I’m crying in Texan:
We don’t have direct ballot measures/initiatives here, only what the legislature puts on the ballot for us.
I think your chance for RCV or STAR increases if you take over a major party, because frankly, you’re going to need to counter the old, dead weight that will fight tooth and nail to tear down your RCV framework.
Agree 100%. Get pro-election reform candidates in the major party primaries for local offices, and get them voted in. Then move up to state offices. It has to come from the states up, it will be rejected in the courts if it’s a push down from the federal level.
Congress has access to the brightest economic consultants to navigate everything, that’s not a problem. Closing loopholes is a logical next step. Just need to overcome the narrow margins and procedural fuck you manuevers to actually get things done.
Yeah, but gotta start somewhere right?
Uh … doesn’t China actually do that already?
A global minimum corporate tax rate, you say? Agreed to by 137 countries during the Biden administration even? Neat!
Ok, I’m not arguing whether it will or won’t. I’m just pointing out how you’re repeatedly accusing people of saying something they didn’t. Just like how people accuse you of being pro-Trump when you say things that are anti-Biden or anti-Kamala.