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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2024


  • Let the rockets rain down and stop this madness before the fascist state of Israel kills us all.

    Do Americans really believe they’ll be able to get their pet monster under control once they genocide the entire Middle East?

    “Greater Israel” is just going to keep expanding unless they’re stopped now. Do you think Nazi Germany would just say “ok we have enough land for the master race / chosen people let’s stop now”.

    Do you really think America will have any power once it gets to that point?

    The world let Zionists get away with the Nakba at the time because of the Holocaust, but now the Zionists and the United States are the ones doing a Holocaust.

    Israel is a failure of humanity and an affront to Jewish people everywhere, hijacking the religion in order to build a white supremacist, genocidal, settler-colonial apartheid ethnostate with a Star of David slapped on it.

    Israel must now be dismantled, land back to the Palestinians, the architects of this Holocaust brought to justice, and the people deprogrammed out of their genocidal cult.

  • And they act as if we should be afraid of Hamas and Hezbollah.

    I certainly don’t support Islamist groups, but both Hamas and Hezbollah have been born out of necessary resistance to Israel’s aggression. There could have been secular or socialist resistance groups, but Hamas and Hezbollah are the ones that have been funded and propped up because it’s easy to paint them as the enemy. Hamas and Hezbollah aren’t coming for any of us.

    I have zero fear of Hezbollah or Hamas, but I’m deeply fearful of Zionists.