I agree with what you’ve said for the most part but I find no correlation between it and what your initial comment said. Maybe I’m just tired.
“Most people agree with the ultrarich on this issue (at least initially, before social media insanity)”
Are you saying most people are anti-trans? And that people who aren’t anti-trans are somehow not of sane mind?
Isn’t this at least the second time Seagate have been caught out selling used hardware as new?
I can’t see anyone else on this comment thread so I guess I must be defederated with whatever user you replied to
Does it though? I have used both and I vastly prefer my experience on signal. I don’t really engage with the like, “communities” aspect of telegram though so perhaps thats what I’m missing?
I don’t disagree with the sentiment but I think having accessible, entertaining education resources would also be a huge boon. They’re sure not going into depth on the topics but I imagine getting people “on the hook” could be huge, and then they can find other more educational resources from others in the community.
All of kurzgesagt, minute physics, vsauce, Steve mould, matt parker, and veritasium. I think they’re invaluable education resources and it would be useful to be able to distribute them, or just have them for my own sake.
I suppose that depends largely on which demographic you’re looking at in China, but its nice that there’s some good news
So which people are just having a great time right now? /gen
No arguments here
People with whom I feel safe, yes. It makes things easier.
I think I would be fine. I already have limited wealth and I’m directing a significant portion of it to the betterment of the world around me. If my wealth/income increased tenfold (as an example) I don’t think I’d be able to find a use for more than, idk, 15-20% of the additional money? So I’d just heavily ramp up the funds going to charities and local causes.
Extending this out to the infinite wealth scenario, I’d be able to help more causes so I’d need to find out which charities are actually putting money to use for what they say they are, extend my mindset beyond local causes and to the whole globe. Almost certainly drop some fat stacks into buying out basically every fossil fuel corp and start the process of getting that shit phased out. Sure I make some terrible people rich(er) in the short term with the buyouts but fuck it, the environment needs to be prioritized.
How I’d convince this hypothetical entity? Idk, probably just explain all of the above and I guess show some hard data on my track record for this. If the entity is determined to put the money in the hands of someone who is going to do good, either I’ll be good enough or I won’t.
If its not infinite and “just” billions then I’m probably going to funnel about half of it into local (national) causes and the other half into affecting what positive change I can worldwide. Process for convincing the entity remains the same.
I wouldn’t, and I don’t think most people would, consider being in hibernation mode or sleep mode as “on”. Sure, it will add to your uptime, but like its a demonstrably different power state.
Mm, fair if you are running some task while you’re not “actively” using the PC. Although given the general sentiment of people in the replies, the leading reason is “I’m lazy” or “its convenient”.
Eh, like that’s fair its personal preference but the energy waste of just having your PC idle is just weird to me. (Folding@home is totally reasonable)
Y’all it takes like 15 seconds to boot from an SSD why are you leaving your computers on?
Last I checked school teachers didn’t make medical diagnoses. Elon is a fucking tool, but we don’t need to perpetuate ableism when we talk about him.
Ratchet and clank 3, the cheat code is told to you in a cutscene:
“Aren’t you going to unlock his secret costumes? Here, I’ll put in a cheat code. Up up down down left right circle square square… Haha! Look! He’s in a tutu!”