Reading this BS from McConnell made me ask if a face eating leopard could eat its own face, and if so, would it even realize it.
Then I pictured an oroboro with his face instead. I’d do a mock up, but I don’t want to look at his face that long. I feel McConnel has been playing this game with “not supporting” Trump for far too long now.
I don’t think Mitch has surpassed Kissinger for biggest bastard overall, but he’s tried damn hard. He’s always gloated about what an ass he is, and nothing he says now is ever going to redeem him.
I read the interview as a 380 page paper on a subject I don’t really understand seemed a bit ambitious. I linked it, as I didnt know who did the report, and I wanted to hear her summary in her own words.
The comments here are full of people defending one side or the other, but no one seems to be providing any sources. This seems to be a difficult subject to approach if one isn’t seeking to affirm an existing stance. Both sides just seem to say “show me the proof” back and forth because neither will acknowledge the other.
You seem to be at least leaning in favor of the report. If you have any noob appropriate links to supporting info, I’d look at them.