Better safe than fucked up so check in with a psychologist.
human garbage
Better safe than fucked up so check in with a psychologist.
Watching that inteview and remembering the first Zelensky’s adresses to his and even my russian people early in the war, I was pretty occupied with an idea of how these two numbheads would be good punching bags once I put a trash bag on them and use a duct tape to ensure their breath doesn’t leave it, and hitting them repatedly with a fist or some blunt and heavy object. I don’t usually accept or encourage violence, but I felt lost watching this shit piece of negotiations and also very, morbidly angry. I couldn’t avoid thinking of going physical with them and it probably took a year and a half from Zelensky’s tired neurons to keep himself contained until the meeting ended. I’m pretty sure he kicked something after leaving it. I’m sure I would’ve if I has been him.
In the 90s media were completely uncut though, especially their coverage of the first Chechen war. Some openly satyrized Yeltsin and he was kinda ok with it. Toying the line started with overtaking НТВ under Putin, the major divide between pro and anti-state stances and publications then happened around demonstrations in early 2010s, and in the end of the decade the latter started to be pushed out until ouright bans and suppression in 2022-.
There were, like, some guidelines, but when coffins of young boys started to arrive in droves and people protested against the war, print media was there to cover it, and this better-to-be-forgotten page of our history is now set in stone and I occasionally see publications from that period, no way to purge them all. Compare it to today, when mothers’ union not against war, but for better treatment of their sons got quietly put down, and the existing media are just a surrogate tightly governed by statesmen.
On the initial question about Yeltsin vs Trump, it’s hard for me to compare them for their context is inescapably different. Boris was, like, the first real elected pres, and a populist at that, and while Trump is tasked with just not fucking things too much, Yeltsin took a wheel in a harsh transitional period. And as two populists they share a lot of what makes their public image. But, call it naive and biased, Yeltsin sounded humble and honest when he talked about what he does, like he believed in it. It felt like he cared, but was a wrong person to be there from the very start, and drunk himself to death some eight years after passing the wheel to Putin being still influenced by that. With Don getting prezzed in after neolibs Obama then Biden and actually doing worse than if he did nothing at all, with empty waving like with the wall on the Mexican border, I perceive him significantly worse, more dishonest than Boris. Even knowing now that two were deeply pocketed by oligarchs (first time, eh?), I’m still find some sympathy towards our drunkie and find some personality and struggle within him, that I can’t say I see in Trump.
IIRC Vivaldi and Brave promised to prolong it for a year.
I’m still a bit nauseous hearing about their ethernal reich myth.
Is that what your momma called you?
WHO, governments, responsible media lost the war about representing and reacting to the pandemic right in most places and there weren’t much pushback against misinformation.
Salting the wound: after antivaxxing became a part of people’s identity, got coupled with their political views, the critical mortality rate to sober up the majority only grew higher.
Around three days. No drugs, just showers and energy drinks I took sip by sip for a long time. I was somehow productive, but caught my attention stuck a couple of times on something banal like a working microwave buzz. Everything felt dull and I seemingly had no emotions near the end.
Wox News everyone.
Citing historical parallels, particularly economic grievances fueling extremism
It is correct, but I struggle to compare late Wheimar economics to Biden stickers for gas stations sold on Amazon.
Zelensky isn’t the best fit, and his opponents in Russia call him a clown, yet this clown used and uses his media knowledge to, as a first face of the nation, keep this conflict feautured in world news, frequent frontlines, give a lot of direct adresses to his own people in this struggle, ask for supplies and support from other nations. I believe, he puts 125% effort into this and is likely shortening his own life by a constant overwork and stress. He and his people aren’t the best, and their country is plagued with post-ussr-style corruption, indeed, yet they do what they think is right in this turbulent situation.
I’d indulge in whataboutism and ask, who we are to compare with the dude. Putin, Trump or Orban? What’s the baseline that’d put him to shame?
It’s weird how a person so seemingly unimportant hasn’t been converted into a scarecrow, made to vouch for key positions in their plan, etc. This man is either sleaky enough to avoid much of responsibility for what happens or everyone in the HQ forgot about him. His position doesn’t mean much power in the US, but it’s really interesting that he doesn’t get much coverage as a legally second in chief and seemingly abstain from everything while, before Musk got the wheel I thought he would play a key role in advocating for everythng techbros are up for.
There is an aspect to that making it simplier in my eyes. Most cases of projection are a sign of being completely unaware of the world around them, other people’s experiences, lack of interest and empathy. Trumps idea of slacking off is rooted in his own leisure routines because he hasn’t talked with average people in a long while if at all. There’s likely not that much of intent, not in his ramblings, but a genuine lack of touch. He’s probably thinking that there are poor golf courses for poor people for casual networking like he does. You know, where they brag about their poor peoples deals, investments and tax dodging. He isn’t a good liar and in his unscripted rants he is showing what he actually thinks. Rephrasing the old saying, if you are Trump, everyone looks like Trumps.
It’s not like I excuse him or think he’d do better if he’d know his shit. It’s just a common occurence that career politicians usually get caught on. My own dictator couldn’t imagine that the average monthly wage isn’t in 7 figures because he usually sat in his bunker since COVID and forgot what money even are.
A late night call from the Oval Office: Good morning mister Vlad. It’s Donald. Yes, Ukraine is on sale, but what about eggs? I told them I’d fix the price on eggs… Say what now?.. I can’t pass the phone to Elon, he isn’t there. Hello. Hello? Hello? HELLO? I hate it when he does that.
Musk’s and his actions are illegal, or were illegal mostly before the Supreme Court decided there’s some sleezy presidential immunity. The problem is they are so firm and quick at changing the rules of the game that no institution can catch up and, most importantly, generally afraid they would be directly attacked by these fuckers. Some commenters preciously said that it’s stupid that most of people who could’ve challenged or straight up dismissed his executive orders are pussies for resigning or being complicit, but, in their defence, all of their personal data was leaked by Muskrat and he and Trump have a pardoned terrorist cell to carbomb them or whatever. And it’s snowballing from department to department, and every new one looks at those who already kneed to the maggot.
All these famous checks and balances were DDOSed and frightened into submission. i don’t think they were exceptionally and inherently fragile. it’s just the rightwing strategists just got the right guy, the right coverage and the right plan to make it all as easy as break-and-enter with absent homeowners.
He isn’t, he is still polite to give Donnie a benefit of a doubt, like he is speaking like that because he’s got malinformed. No, Trump uses his position to exchange Ukraine and the security of Europe for whatever he was promised or he himself promised beforehand for his success in pres campaign previosly, so he just closes his debts. Zelensky couldn’t say that to Trump all other countries and his own nation are paper tokens he uses to play monopoly with his friends. Ukrainian defence depend too deeply on what Biden’s given them before so as a diplomat he doesn’t want to cross out the US even though he knows that with Trump they’d hardly get anything. And it’s not about the US specifically, it’s a standard that keeps every other donor comfortable to donate arms and money, setting the climate in which no random and immidiate decisions pass, unlike what Trump does.
IP hoarding of products that may potentially be produced. Millions of dollars aren’t a pocket change, but if anyone’s going into this wearable AI bullshit, HP’d make a hole in their pockets. It’s a low stakes conservative gamble ‘just in case’.
Privatise profits, socialise responsibility.
Trump sounds so weak ngl.
I wish him getting frequently egged in public.