Cool. How much does it make on Global Warming alarism & fear?
Cool. How much does it make on Global Warming alarism & fear?
Good. There us no such thing as contagious virus.
Abolish patents! Free the market!
That makes no sense. Particularly as we all own property! We own ourselves - innate property!
No. We should pursue liberty (the absence of coercion), peace, prosperity and happiness. We should defend self-ownership/private property.
A corporation is a beast of the state. A corporation gets special gov privileges like limited liability and uses regulatory capture to lock out newer incumbents competing against it. There are no corporations in a free society - only business who have to fairly compete! Please also note the law preceded government. Government coopted it! This is true of common law and maritine law. Cut the conflation in your mind. Even today more disputes are handled privately out of courts. Ebay, the world biggest merchant has in-house arbitration. You do not need an institution to monopolise decision making, arbitration, and justice. Justice should be about restitution to the victim. Currently it is about fining the victim or putting them in a cage rather than compensation and restitution. Did you know Pananarchist Ireland for 200 years had many arbitration services called tuaths. There was no government - only various tuaths that would represent you. You could join or change tuath as you pleased. For the most likely solution: https://youtu.be/fZ0Qkhnt6bQ?si=cjPT5E03eHAkiJwL
“The scale and proportions of this are all fucked, the rich take substantially more from the state than the non-rich.” - Yes, absolutely! The parasitical rich benefit most of all! All the more reason to abolish the host - abolish the state! When the poor have more opportunity to enter the market, due to the abolishion of the state and it crony class, then the free market can raise the tide for all leaving the need for charity far less. There will be no constructed dependent class. There will be a rising again of mutual societies, unities etc that benefited the poor before gov coopted those services.
NAP, aka respect for private property rights. If a society does not respect the NAP then it is a society based foremost on the threat of violence. What is government - the threat of violence - the threat of force. So, if a society allowed private militia to kill competitors you would end up with a gang ruling over others - you know - like government. So, yes you need a society with respect for private property rights/NAP. Would all people be peaceful? Heck no! Does this mean there will also not be private institutions that uphold the law - uphold respect for private property rights? Of course! People will still need security, decision making and justice! A peaceful society with respect for the NAP would NOT allow a private militia to violate others rights! Business (in the absence of government favouritism) survives on good products, services and reputation. Sending a militia against you opponents does not do well for your reputation! So ultimately you have a choice - government, which is an involuntary institution with a monopoly on force and rule making that serves the elite to the detriment of others OR A free society with respect for private property rights that is more decentralised and snuffs out any trouble makers.
I do not think you understand fairness or value. Life is not fair. You cannot expect it to be. To try to make it fair requires the initiation of force against another. The happenstance of an unfair life is different to the deliberate application of force to create what one thinks should be fair. Precise value??? All value is subjective! Setbacks? Every exchange that occurs happens due to the exchange making both parties life better - otherwise the exchange would not occur. You are viewing the world as a glass half empty rather than half full! Wage-slavery? There is not such thing! You own property - always! You own your body! Other peoples ability to generate wealth is something you have no right to interfere with just as much as they have no right to interfere with your body. You may not like the terms of contract but that is simply because you have no better option and you need to upskill. Innovate? If you are working you are gaining skills. Are you showing your worth or just doing the acceptable minimum to justify your employment? If the game is unfair - it is because the system (govenment) applies the law unfairly - not because others create value.
The question should be who will enable their cartel without the state law enforcing it? What is to stop them get a large share of the market - cartel status? Well, their competition providing better goods and services!
How many victim points did you earn through your envious display of keyboard warriorism?
If you ask me there is no utopia - but there is the attempt to minimize away coercion & manipulation. It is completely Utopian to think you can create an all powerful political class and not expect exploitation by psychopaths and sociopaths.
ALL rich people? That would be quite the assumption! Many rich are parasites that use regulatory capture, artificial cartels, lobbying, bribery, threats etc because the state exists. Other rich have attained great value by giving the world much value. Don’t let envy eat you away!
Greed, wanting stuff, precipitates giving value in return for value. Regardless of motives everybody benefits. This is a free market.
Throw in an institution that can manipulate & distort free market forces - government - then you get parasites that use the violence of that institution for non reciprocated greed. This creates distortions in wealth and power in favour of the scrupulous.
Does anyone use the Oneplus 6T? It is suppose to be the most powerful hardware that can run Postmarket or Ubuntu Touch.
No. Milei calls himself a libertarian and Anarchocapitalist. He is NOT right wing! All your Wikipedia link does is show other people are also mistaken.
Normies using Spotify, “what even is this??”