Great, what are your ideas?
Great, what are your ideas?
Got one of these for 40€ a while ago, and outside of sales they’re not expensive either. Solid mechanical RGB keyboard, nothing more, nothing less. The website shows only one reseller in the USA for North America, maybe check Amazon.
This 65% is another one I’ve been happy with, you might want to look at their larger offerings. They ship to Canada.
I have insisted on physical media for my stuff since the dawn of MP3’s - in the form of hard disk drives. That’s the physical media MVP in my book.
Does it at least work with USB-PD to provide basic fast charging? That should be the minimum at this point.
These are huge animals and can mess a human up, intentionally or not. Not keeping some separation when dealing with them is inherently risky.
People who hate smartphones are luddites. There’s so much these devices bring to the table that it’s hard to summarize. From instantly connecting to anyone in the world with audio as well as video to knowing exactly where we are at any point in time. Enabling us to handle almost any situation. As long as my phone can connect to a cell network or Wi-Fi you could drop me anywhere in the world and I’d be fine.
The people who think smartphones have made the world worse are barking up the wrong tree. It’s not the concept of the smartphone that did that, it’s apps and capitalism that did. Exploiting psychology to wring any possible profit out of humanity is the problem, not these wonderful fruits of miniaturization.
Highlighting that is the idea.
That will teach them to fly Boeing.
Well, the narrow set of people who print something more than twice a year.
It’s grifters all the way down.
And what shall be the threshold for criminalizing simply being a sick fuck?
And when that happens, it’s not that features like fiber to the home or port forwarding are gone, but they could be locked behind an extra fee. Want direct access to your own network settings? That might come at a premium. Even access to certain websites could become conditional on paying more, or worse, dictated by someone else’s agenda.
They can do that right now. If this new wireless option is standardized, it would seem less prone to ISP shenanigans to me. Just a question whatever functionality makes it into the standard in the first place.
Might just be to indicate when it started happening. They could have written “M1” and still cause the same confusion, and I believed that’s what the model is called.
The nice thing about hiking your prices by 50% is that unless a whole third of your users quit, you haven’t lost anything.
It’s certainly progressing. I was shopping for bunk beds recently and one listing was missing a measurement in the diagram. So I put a red line in and asked ChatGPT for the dimension, just giving it the photo and asking how long the red line is. Not only did it take the existing measurements from the photo and applied the necessary trigonometry to calculate what I wanted, it also correctly identified it as a bunk bed, and that there is a slide attached to it - I was looking for how far the slide will stick out into the room.
The whole concept is different. I’ve just started trying it and the gist of it is that it’s basically only the app drawer, but on steroids. There is no home screen to arrange, you simply set favorite apps that show up first. Anything else you select by scrolling through the alphabet, which seems quick enough if you know the app name you’re looking for.
I can already tell that I would love it more if favorites were redesigned a bit to use the initial space better. But this would betray the simplicity they are trying to achieve.
Something about “defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”. They would be arguing about the detailed interpretation longer than Biden will be around.
What are you doing?