dominion is a great game. I played it many times, and I definitely recommend it.
dominion is a great game. I played it many times, and I definitely recommend it.
I’m on an iphone 11, and it still gets updates.
sigh. Animals are here WITH us, not FOR us. LEAVE THEM ALONE.
I’ve personally been to factory farms. The animals are far from okay with it.
what about the autonomy of the animals we keep locked up on farms?
how is it different? They all have the same capacity to suffer. They’re all living, breathing beings. They all experience pain and suffering. How’s it different?
remember in the 90s or 00s when Microsoft had that antitrust case, and when you loaded up IE, it asked you what browser you wanted? We need that again, along with the antitrust case.
Yup. I’ve always said #FuckIsrael, but i get labelled an antisemite for saying it. Fucking israel is not innocent in all this. Fuck.
As it should be. What kind of moron would suggest that sterilising people is the right thing to do?
my favourite windows phone moment was when they had a funeral for the iphone lol
cats and dogs matter, but cows, chickens, lambs, sheep, pigs etc don’t matter. Yep. Makes sense :/
They all have the same capacity to suffer. So why look after some animals but not others?
remind me again how this isn’t anticompetitive?
FUCK GOOGLE moar liek it.
nope. ever billionaire is guilty of exploiting workers. No two ways about it.
don’t bend too far, unless you have employment health insurance.
and they only did it because the EU forced them to
ah. i must have some outdated info. it used to be about 9K.
FYI, america spends about about double on healthcare than other developed nations. America spends about $9K on healthcare per capita, and most other developed nations spend abotu $3K-4K
have you checked our shitters honey?