Man it’s so easy to see through your bullshit, Russian troll. Go learn do better, and read source material https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Ukraine._Memorandum_on_Security_Assurances
Man it’s so easy to see through your bullshit, Russian troll. Go learn do better, and read source material https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Ukraine._Memorandum_on_Security_Assurances
My Kobo Libra Color does it. I do sometimes need a bit of time to format manga properly but it’s perfectly doable.
I’m still on my Zen1 1600, with DDR4 RAM and RX580 8GB which I built back in 2018. Whenever I’m thinking of upgrading I just look at the prices. I’d basically need to upgrade everything, maybe aside from GPU which would become a giant bottleneck, so it should be upgraded as well.
I really don’t even want to think about gutting my PC and upgrading, I’d much rather switch to a console.
Are there even any other candidates? Or is it just one checkbox with Putin? Or maybe three, but they’re all Putin
No, they were using them as target practice like they did to my great grandfather. First they took him to concentration camp, then they took him and others to the forest to have some moving target practice. Thankfully he was able to run away and hide.
This one is the worst for me
Basically any country that was a previous Russian/Soviet satellite and are not interested in being one anymore.
What’s your source on that?
If none go spread your propaganda somewhere else, you’re either a russian bot or a sympathiser. Either way you will find no friends here.
Even if they wouldn’t go for the name, Walkman was a generic name for this category of devices, at least here in Poland. You wouldn’t go buy a cassette player, you’d go buy a Walkman, not necessarily a Sony made one. So I could definitely see people calling their devices Smart Walkman
I’m in the same boat. Best terminal app I’ve used in a long while. Not using AI features
Huh, interesting. Since I got a Mac at work I have problems going back as command/alt + key feel a lot more natural than control + key.
They protested no matter the party lmao. The issue is that the grain that was supposed to go through Poland as transit was being sold at lower prices than local grain, while not needing to meet the same standards (because it’s just in transit here right? Right?) Farmers basically feel like their calls earlier were ignored by Warsaw and Brussels. Russophiles were very quick to come in and make this a russophile thing.
Whole crisis was manufactured by previous government because wouldn’t you know, there was a lot of money to be made when some of the “transit” grain disappeared and was sold
That’s cool but for some reason VS Code is just super distracting for me. I really can’t focus well when I’m using it, Zed feels a lot more focused for me
I am very happy with OP12. It’s not flashy or anything but it’s clean, does the job, holds the battery well, does great photos. It’s quite frankly really boring, but in a good way.
One feature that is a big wow for me is that it charges really fast. I plug it in at 5-10% and I have a fully charged phone after half an hour which holds for 2 days
All of them! I like Veritasium though, not every video is a banger but this one definitely is
Alpha! Rita escaped! Recruit a team of teenagers with attitude!
AntennaPod on Android. I use Pocket Casts but only because I’m on iOS, once I switch back to Android I’m going back to AntennaPod, it’s open source and imo easier to customise than any other podcast app and I went through a lot of them trying to find the one that doesn’t try to force it’s terrible ux on you
I’ve had Type 1 Diabetes since I was 6. It’s always 20 years away. I’m 32 now.
Most likely to sell ads. Apparently the whole “pay us for every install” thing will be waived if the developer will be using their ad platform.
On one hand yes, on the other, you don’t really need the newest games, as you definitely have a backlog full of games to play. I am very slowly looking for maybe an upgrade to my 6yo PC, but maybe a sidegrade is all I need. Maybe a switch 2? There’s a lot less pressure on constant upgrades if you don’t chase the big trends and upgrade every cycle