Every cable except for Nvidia’s 8 pin octopus cable adapters are third party. That includes the native 12Vhpwr/12V-2x6 cables that are coming with high end PSUs. The actual connectors are all made by either Amphenol or Molex anyway.
Every cable except for Nvidia’s 8 pin octopus cable adapters are third party. That includes the native 12Vhpwr/12V-2x6 cables that are coming with high end PSUs. The actual connectors are all made by either Amphenol or Molex anyway.
This but actually. Don’t use an LLM to do things LLMs are known to not be good at. As tools various companies would do good to list out specifically what they’re bad at to eliminate requiring background knowledge before even using them, not unlike needing to somehow know that one corner of those old iPhones was an antenna and to not bridge it.
I was thinking about watching waterworld on sunday
Government overreach? They’re the tax people.
Satellites have to go through shock and vibe testing based on the vehicle bringing them up, satellites using spinlaunch will need to be built around it.
The amount of seething could power the country in perpetuity
Funnily enough I was just banned and blocked by a mod when I commented on a post mentioning that they’ve accidentally reposted an image they’ve already submitted. Kind of surprised since I recognized the username and thought they were decent enough as a user.
Mods watching votes is creepy
For further research look into ‘system prompts’.
I haven’t really had much issue with it beyond the first bit of getting my pebblebee tags to switch from their network to Google’s. They didn’t want to ring until I paired them twice.
It’s a year or two old at the most
Assuming they use Gmail in the first place
More like reduce it to a handful of vectors that get merged with other vectors.
Make a post with a better source
Kernel version, graphics drivers, and are you using X or wayland? If you’re seeing it across distros it could be a hardware support issue but I have no idea what laptop that is.
I wonder if sealand got an invite
what applications would run in ReactOS that wouldn’t run through Proton/Wine?
Drivers and usb hardware support are the main things ReactOS currently are better positioned to support that I know of.
Clearly, but the articles floating around recently do treat them as the sole authority.
The ADL still does for whatever reason
Buddy we can see what goes on over there you know.