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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • There is nothing bad faith in my arguments. I am sincere in saying that I disagree with sending troops over there and in saying that I don’t see it as a massive escalation to send 100 troops when we already have 50,000 in theater.

    You are arguing in bad faith by ignoring what I am saying and simply labeling any disagreement as “obvious propaganda”. Nothing here is black and white. This conflict has been going on for generations. Any immediate response has generations of previous actions behind it. To say otherwise is disingenuous.

    Nothing in this conflict is simple. Nothing is clear. Nothing is black and white. Maybe labeling me as a propagandist for disagreeing on one specific thing while agreeing with your broader stance shows who the real propagandist is.

  • Jesus fucking christ… Why does everything that anyone disagrees with “propaganda”? Why can’t it be someone with a different fucking viewpoint? What the fuck is wrong with people on Lemmy that we can’t discuss something without it being “obvious propaganda” or some other bullshit?

    Not everything is black and white. There is room for disagreement on parts of this conflict. I don’t agree with the US sending troops of any kind to Israel and I think we should stop giving them weapons until they stop committing genocide. The only point I was trying to make is that it doesn’t seem like a massive escalation to send 100 troops and a defensive system when we already have 50,000 troops, many war ships, two nuclear aircraft carries, and a ton of aircraft in theater already.

  • I agree that we shouldn’t be sending troops to Israel right now but 100 troops is hardly “all the troops” and isn’t a large change in the number of troops in the region.

    Again, I don’t think we should be sending troops or weapons to Israel right now, but this does seem like a proportional response to Iran’s attack. They launched missiles at Israel. The US sent an anti-missile battery and 100 troops to support it. It seems like kind of a token force to say “we’re supporting Israel in this, but we’re also not going to go crazy”.

  • I’m going to old all over the place. When I was a teen in the late 90s I worked at a grocery store. We were open 24/7 except three times per year. We closed at noon on Thanksgiving (reopened at 5am the next day), noon on Christmas Eve through Christmas Day, and noon on New Years Eve. We always had assholes come in to try to “get one thing that I forgot” but turned them away because they’d inevitably try to load up a full cart. We were given strict instructions to turn everyone away starring at noon sharp.

    Now, grocery stores just stay open. Like, really, you can’t close even a couple of times per year to let people be with their families?

  • It was actually pretty interesting to listen to the sentencing. It’s about 20 minutes. The judge goes through all of the options at his disposal and discusses his the rationale that he used to arrive at a prison sentence.

    He had the option of sentencing her to parole, community service, or incarceration. He then described her as unrepentant, the most defiant defendant the court has ever seen, and a continuing danger to society. He also discussed that he considers how a sentence will act as deterrent for the defendant directly (not at all in this case) and for others who might seek to commit similar crimes as well as punishment. He determined that Mrs Peters would immediately go commit the same crimes again given the opportunity, that community deterrence is important, and that punishment was warranted.

    He also went through her mitigating circumstances. He compared her circumstances to the typical defendant that his court sees and characterized her as extremely privileged with few mitigating circumstances and many aggravating ones. He said that she simply sought power, prestige, and wealth without a care for who she harmed. He characterized her as an unrepentant liar and a fraud who lied every chance she got including about why she kicked a police officer while on video.

    Based on his rationale, he decided that removing Tina Peter’s from the community was in the best interests of the community.

    TL/DR The judge didn’t like Mrs Peters very much.

  • Again, let me preface this by saying that I do not like Trump and think that he is terrible for the country. I’m just saying that he says enough awful shit that we don’t need to twist the truth or lie.

    Okay, two things here. First, the statement that Trump “cut overtime for millions of Americans as President” has been rated as “Mostly False” by PolitiFact.

    PolitiFact ruling: Mostly False. When contacted for comment, the Harris-Walz campaign pointed to news articles showing that former President Barack Obama proposed to extend overtime pay eligibility to more workers, but a judge blocked it in November 2016, just before it was slated to take effect. The Trump administration did not challenge the judge’s ruling and instead set its own overtime rule, which extended overtime pay to millions fewer people than Obama’s rule would have done.

    The Obama rule was not in effect at the time Trump took office, so Trump’s administration did not cut an existing benefit.

    Second, that’s not even what this article is about. This is about him saying the following:

    I know a lot about overtime. I hated to give overtime. I hated it. I’d get … I shouldn’t say this … I’d get other people in. I wouldn’t pay. I hated it.

    So, what does he say there? He hated paying overtime so he would bring in new people to take over the work. He didn’t stiff them. He sent them home after working a full shift and brought in new people to take over.

    Now, he may have (probably did) stiff workers in other ways. This is not evidence of that.

  • I know that he does screw over employees, but how is that the case in this circumstance? He is sending workers home before they hit overtime and bringing in a different shift of workers. Every business does that. Every business attempts to minimize the amount of overtime that they pay. In fact, that’s the point of overtime laws, to disincentivize working employees too many hours.

    I’m not defending him as a person. I’m saying this is shitty journalism that just gives him something additional to point at when he says that the media lies about him. We shouldn’t be giving him that ammo.

  • I despise Trump. I want him to lose. This kind of “journalism” needs to die so that the real stories about him don’t get buried by half truths and lies. Trump says enough shitty, faschist things that we don’t need to twist his words like this.

    Trump said that he hates paying people overtime so, if they’re getting close to overtime, he brings other people in. He does what every business does and implements shifts. He didn’t say that he screws people out of overtime pay for time they worked. He avoids overtime pay by bringing in a new shift of workers.

    How often Trump stiffs his employees and contractors for real is a good story. This story is essentially a lie that attempts to portray Trump badly but really only makes “the left” look bad.

    Don’t lie and ruin the credibility of left-leaning media. Use the real ammo that Trump drops like bread crumbs everywhere he goes.