• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • To be fair, that was there the first time around too. People are just done pretending otherwise now, even the “we have to pretend it’s close because that’s what’s best for engagement and thus our profits” MSM and social media.

    Even Hillary Clinton, the worst Dem nominee in my lifetime (I was born on the penultimate day of 82*) would have beaten him in a landslide if not for the media wagging the dog in his favor.

    Granted, that they did so was partly BECAUSE of her deliberate Pied Piper strategy to make sure he was the GOP nominee, which is a stellar example of the “it’ll always be 1992” Dem leadership mentality that made her such an awful candidate.

    *my exact date of birth is irrelevant, I know, but I wanted to use one of my favorite words, penultimate 😁

  • Those type of podcasts seem pretty easy to produce a lot of though

    There’s tons of material to choose from, sure. The challenging part is listening to hours and hours and hours of Jones’ mad and frequently tedious rantings and then cut out the boring parts to make an entertaining show.

    I wonder if he has a plan for when Jones suffers a massive heart attack though

    Dan and Jordan have often said that they would love for the podcast to become obsolete by Jones never broadcasting anything again.

    Whether they have any plans for what to do after that is less clear. Might move on to another propagandist, might make a podcast about something else entirely, might call it quits 🤷

    I hope j Jed’s saved for some kind of retirement

    I have no idea who that is, but sure 🤷

  • At the time the electoral college was instituted, only white land owning men could vote, the majority of the population was illiterate, and only the very rich could afford to be well-versed in the affairs of state.

    To compare that horse and buggy time with today’s world with near-complete literacy, mass media and widespread internet access is even more moronic than you are pretending that the electorate is.

    The problem isn’t that Americans are significantly dumber than the people of other nations.

    It’s that the US is one of the most propagandized nations in the world due to billionaires, hectomillionaires, their corporations, and their industry associations owning the mainstream media and the vast majority of the politicians as well as the political machines pulling the strings behind the scenes.

    Revered as minor deities as they are, the Founding Fathers couldn’t have predicted the conditions 250 years into the future. Including the fact that the very mechanism they included to make sure that the constitution would be updated to fit the times, the amendment process, would become functionally impossible.

    Tl;Dr: the problem isn’t people being too stupid, the problem is that the will of the people has been overruled by organized corruption and propaganda.

  • what do you think publicly repudiating Israel would do for the democrats’ chances of winning the presidential election?

    Would probably improve them. Dramatically so if backed by actions such as stopping all weapons shipments

    It makes sense for them to say nothing publicly while privately trying to tie down those loose cannons.

    First of all, no. It doesn’t make sense to publicly do the opposite of what a majority of the population, including an overwhelming majority of your own base, wants.

    Also, “loose cannons” must be a new fucking record for downplaying 75 years of apartheid rule and an ongoing genocide!