This guy gets why I was initially misunderstanding
This guy gets why I was initially misunderstanding
Lmao, the false outrage over me not knowing that they use the same form factor for more than one test…
I’d only ever come across it for COVID tests, the only pregnancy tests I’ve interacted with/seen advertised have been the stick versions.
The UK COVID test were all using this plastic moulding (minus the embossed letters) and I’ve never seen a pregnancy test that wasn’t a stick that you pee on?
And if you’re aware that it says hCG (which I admittedly missed before commenting), then I think you answered your own question…
If this isn’t a joke; this looks like a COVID test to me…
Edit: TIL they use that form factor for other tests/and that not all modern pregnancy tests are sticks that you pee on…
Silly suggestion, and no idea if it will work, but it’s an easy one to test;
Get some cooking/vegetable oil, and see if it will help dissolve the residue by putting a bit on some kitchen towel and either scrubbing with the oiled paper towel or leaving that towel on the residue for 10 mins and seeing if the grease has softened.
If the oil does seem to dissolve/soften the grease residue then you can add some bicarb/salt to act as gentle abrasive as it won’t dissolve in the oil as it would do in water
I’ve used cooking oil to dissolve tar/bitumen paint from my skin and clothes before and you can then use soap to clear the dissolved tar in oil.
Otherwise use a kitchen degreaser like you’d clean a traditional oven with.
I imagine what’s happening with the oil is something akin to polymerization, so you either need to break the polymers bonds or dissolve in a suitable solvent
This should really be the canary in the coal mine for just how bad things are going to get.
Outta curiosity what is a Keto cough drop?
I mean I don’t think there are any high protein cough drops, but I’m pretty sure you can get sugar free cough drops… You can atleast definitely get sugar free boiled sweets, a couple of type 1 diabetics I know have them, and you get them at the checkouts here as shops aren’t allowed to put sugary snacks at the checkouts.
And in regards to getting proteins that are atleast in stock, lentils and peas/beans are pretty good sources of proteins, I’ve seen people make some good looking keto friendly naan breads/flat breads using pea protein (IIRC), have you tried anything like that?
Hmm, that’s interesting but IIRC Tyrosine itself isn’t all that sour when tasted, nor are really any other amino acids I can think of aside from possibly Taurine, I assumed it was a small amount of hydrolysis of the acetyl group was occurring to enable the taste difference, but if you’ve got some more context I’d love to hear it
Get some malic acid if you want it to be a different type of sour, or tartaric acid if you want it to be more tart.
Oh actually other suggestions; buy some N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine (Often called NALT), it’s incredibly sour and slightly sweet, once again different from from the fruit acids (malic, citric, tartaric). NALT is a precursor to Tyrosine an amino acid. You need only the tiniest amount on the tongue to get the affect. The sourness is from the acetyl group, and I think the slight sweetness is from the tyrosine/or the complete structure, as related compounds are used as artificial sweeteners.
I’m genuinely unsure they’re a scab, I think they’re saying that we cannot expect these parasitic companies to have the workers best interests at heart, and as such strong workers rights should be enshrined in law and enforced.
I could be misunderstanding them though of course.
Not necessarily a stretch or workout that I’m going to suggest, but more if you’re exercising get help from someone who knows good form.
I got into doing sit-ups/core strength exercises as a teenager, alongside bad form and bad sleeping/living conditions + stretchy ligaments have completely ruined my back.
The first thing that’s actually started to help in a way that doesn’t cause other issue has been seeing a physiotherapist, who worked with me to identify exactly which muscles were stiff, which muscles were over stretched, range of movement, etc…
And then walked me through what exercises and and positions would actually help with my difficulties.
Otherwise a massage gun used properly can be a game changer, but same thing, if you have a partner, ask them to help you out; don’t over stretch trying to fix things.
So that community is great, subscribed.
On a similar “I went for a walk, check out this cool blank I found” vibe, does anyone know of an equivalent one for rocks?
I know rockhounds used to be a thing on Reddit but I haven’t come across a Lemmy equivalent yet?
Ok, not to pile on, but what the heck do you mean by “pantheon” in this context?
And do you speak/use any other languages that have led you to using this unique form of capitalisation?
My mum’s a child psychotherapist, from her perspective medication aught not to be the first thing people jump at, but it very much has it’s place; an example being children with ADHD who literally cannot sit down to the point of them getting distressed, actually being able to sit down and engage with therapy after starting medication. Similar things with anxiety and depression, if anxiety holds you back from opening up and personal thoughts and feelings then medication can enable that for therapeutic work to begin.
The bigger issue she has is when people (often parents) only want the medication but don’t want to try and engage with the therapy.
Just something to think about
Huh, same here, that’s odd
Are you meaning because people are excited about “fusion” being a possible future energy source, whereas when they here “nuclear” their minds immediately go to weapons and fission accidents and pollution?
My friend has so far fried 4 or 5 steamdecks, ROG Ally and two power banks before he took my advice to buy a type c cable tester and to stop using any charger that didn’t come with the device until he could test them.
Turned out it was a damaged cable, I think it was a CC line was no longer working.
I’ve had a couple of cheaper Chinese type c and usb A multi port chargers fail; I manage to fry like 3 sex toys before I realised the type A ports were outputting 12v, and at some point something went wrong and the type c fried my phone (which I guess is on me for continuing to use the charger after the issue with the type A ports)
They don’t necessarily require a starter explosive, certain types do of course. It’s more about overcoming the initial energy required, for example the arc from an electric arc lighter could probably overcome that requirement in a lot of scenarios.
Idk how true that is, it’ll be highly dependent on what you’re trying to dissolve.
This sounds to me more like the advice I’ve heard for using isopropyl for sterilizing equipment and surfaces, its more to do with how quickly the pure stuff evaporates. Evaporate too quickly and it doesn’t sterilize, whereas 70% is best of both worlds.
If you can pee on that without spilling then you have much greater control than I, haha