Non technical person here, I would love to hear more about how decentralized (or not decentralized) the Bluesky protocol is compared to ActivityPub
Non technical person here, I would love to hear more about how decentralized (or not decentralized) the Bluesky protocol is compared to ActivityPub
Do we know if its the same people? I imagine that some people went to Mastodon and some to Bluesky, and very few use both
Threatening connections to nuclear power plants is insane!
Mostly on Lemmy. I’m on Mastadon too. I don’t know if YouTube counts but I’m on there as well and is the only corporate social media I use consistently.
I find myself using Instagram more but only following a handful of creators, I don’t post or check on my feed. I deleted my Twitter and LinkedIn but can’t get myself to delete my Meta accounts because of the people that I have contact with on there. I hardly contact ppl but the sentimentally of the connections is something
I hadn’t consider that. I wonder if there is a way around this. Thanks for the answer!
I never knew. Thanks for answering!
I found this video explaining the process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0zHU4E1XaE&t=123s
I would love to hear any Estonians experience here actually using it
Just came to say you’re a coward and an idiot. If you want change, run for elections or lead a direct action movement instead of insulting people actually trying. What bad logic are using to insult the person who ran and lost instead of the person who won and who is threatening to make everyone’s lives worse? again coward and an idiot
Thanks, I will export and import my profile. Hopefully things will be smoother in the future, but being able to export the some of the profile is better than nothing
Thanks for answering. I will do this
Thanks! Will do this
Thanks. I wonder why this is a low priority. If the people attracted t the fediverse want decentralization and interoperability, it would make sense that many people would want to migrate from one instance to another as easily and smoothly as possible.
Thanks again for the detailed answer
“The Chennai plant is Samsung’s second-largest in the country and generates nearly one-third of Samsung’s annual revenue in India, which amounts to $12 billion (€10.8 billion).”
Jesus, the plant makes nearly $4 billion annually but these workers are only paid around 300 USD a month and want increases to 428 a month within three years.
“When I tell you he’s got his own money, I mean the boy has got his own money!!!” -Mr McDowell
Also, I always appreciated how he stood up for Lisa when the king was being disrespectful
Good to see people calling out NYT for their nonsense
Homophobia unfortunately has a strong hold through most of Africa at the moment. Hopefully we will overcome it as a continent. Anyways, I wish Senegal success in curbing corruption and looting.
"The German government has said the deal does not specify the number of workers who will be allowed in. "
I think BBC edited the article after you posted this but I couldn’t find the 250000 number from the title.
In any case this is great news for both countries.
This price is impossibly cheap even compared to other Chinese built trains in other African countries. Something must be off
Makes sense! I think France, and all countries that had slave colonies, should pay back the equivalent of the profits they made from slavery with interest. It won’t take away the atrocities that were committed but it is part of justice.
More rail infrastructure in Africa is great news!
For everyone commenting about debt traps, from an African perspective both Western debt and Chinese debt (or any type of debt) favor the creditors but Chinese loans are relatively advantages because
(1) they tend to focus on infrastructure that the respective countries can use to their advantage as opposed to the WB or IMF loans which promote neoliberalism that has never worked in Africa (or really any other place) and push Africa in a position to only be able to provide raw materials and never be able to switch to value added products.
(2) They push other richer countries interested in African to invest more if they want to compete with China. The US for example has made plans to invest in African infrastructure to compete with China:
(3) If the debtor countries default on the loan or want to renegotiate, China (at least so far) doesn’t use its intelligence agencies and military agencies to destabilize your country or force regime change
I think a lot of people don’t know what co-ops are. I have been pretty left leaning my whole life and I only found out co-ops in my late 20s and the majority of people I talked to in real life have no idea what coops are. And from that few that do know, many dont know how big cooperatives can be.
For the uninitiated, I am sharing the [International Cooperative Alliances definition of coops here: https://ica.coop/en/cooperatives/what-is-a-cooperative
and the list of largest coops in 2023 here: https://ica.coop/en/media/library/research-and-reviews-world-cooperative-monitor/world-cooperative-monitor-2023
Screenshot of the top 10 coops based on turnover in USD from the report here: