I worked the extra hour which is overtime.
Are banking apps likely to function?
I still use it for a couple of hobby related things although I could probably use discord for some of it.
Whilst I am using lemmy it’s not quite hitting the spot so I use it less. I’m getting an awful lot more reading done.
I live in Ireland and was fairly slow to adapt to this cashless mularkey but my mind was blown when visiting Germany how many places were cash only.
I wouldn’t necessarily say shills. I can’t say I know the ins and outs of app development but I’m sure it could come about that a particular dev doesn’t have the know how or capital to start a new project.
What I do know is that I’ve worked for companies who’s morals I don’t approve of to make ends meet.
I can’t use my banking app on lineage and those wonderful folk at the bank have made it so that you cant confirm online purchases without.