I wish my state wasn’t surrounded by red states because I’d be down to join too.
I wish my state wasn’t surrounded by red states because I’d be down to join too.
It’s kinda the same thing as talking to my MAGA father. Saying “you know he doesn’t give a shit about you, right?” Always falls on deaf ears.
They’re still very useful. Gives the rest of us something to focus on while he does worse things behind the scenes.
That’s why it blows my mind how so many republicans are helping him, regular people and politicians alike. Like, y’all know you’re not getting a slice of the pie right? In the end he’ll only want the ones that are useful, not the ones that are loyal. Loyalty only goes so far when you aren’t useful anymore.
What I find funny (not “haha” funny) is that when he gets what he wants all of these people will be out of a job and stripped of their power regardless of party affiliation. They don’t seem like the type that like to share power.
The company I work for is about to start a contract with The Bureau of Reclamation which will be most the company’s revenue for the next two years. My boss is a republican and voted for Trump, by the way
My bad. Wasn’t trying to throw Bernie aside. He’s fantastic as well.
I think regardless of whether you are Republican or a Democrat, AOC is probably the closest to what a representative should be. Now whether you agree with her or not is a different discussion entirely, but that’s not the point I’m trying to make. She’s just the only one that actually seems to give a shit about who she represents. Whereas both for Republicans and Democrats the vast majority of our “representation” are crotchety and corrupt old people that don’t give a shit anymore.
I also like to tell people I have read only access to their files. Makes them feel more comfortable.
But to be fair it’s literally a part of my job and i say it so my tech illiterate coworkers don’t have a panic attack when i need to remote into their computer. I’m not trying to destroy the company I work for like these guys, I’m just saying it’s bullshit.
I do feel for these people, but at the same time I’m like “oh no he’s doing that thing we were warned about.” Like, literally everyone said something like this was going to happen yet a portion of that community decided to ignore it. I understand that Kamala was awful on this issue, but you can’t blame it all on her. I wish the world wasn’t as fucked up as it is just like everyone else. It’s like the Trolly problem and y’all decided not to flip the switch because both choices were gonna kill people and you wanted a choice where nobody died even though that choice didn’t exist.
I find it very on brand for these guys to simultaneously piss off Jewish people and Palestinians within just a couple weeks.
I did my taxes the day I got my tax forms because I’m afraid Elon Musk is gonna determine that tax refunds from last year are not “efficient.”
My return was only like $300, but imma need all I can get with how things are going.
I won’t deny that it was a stupid move by the dems, but at the same time choosing to abstain from one of the most important elections in US history because you don’t want to choose between the lesser of two evils is just naive. Life is literally full of choosing between the lesser of two evils, inside and outside of politics. And I understand that the situation in Gaza is fucked up, but I also know that by abstaining it only made the situation worse. I know its not 100% their fault as there were many factors that led to Trump winning, but I personally don’t think betting with other people’s lives is altruistic. I think it’s selfish.
I totally feel you but for a different reason. I played Balatro for a few days and literally the only thing Steam recommended to me for over a month was just card based rogue-like games.
Also I recommend the one by RTGame. Probably my favorite streamer. He’s Irish so I never catch the streams but the YouTube videos are great.
I have to use starlink because my only other option is spotty internet for twice the price, a quarter the speed, and a mountain of technical issues owned by a monopoly I’m my area. But to be fair I got starlink years ago before shit turned into… This.
Hey, someone that actually has a fucking backbone.
We already know he’s gonna be confirmed and we already know what he’s gonna do (at least as of now.)
Of all the big tech CEOs, Zuck’s feels like the most artificial. I mean, I know they all are. But so far everyone else is trying to get something out of it while it seems Zuck is just trying to not lose what he has. He’s not trying to gain power or hold dominance over a specific market. He’s only trying to avoid Trump’s wrath.
Sounds like an excuse to put people into work camps as they perpetually wait for somewhere to be deported to. (Hint: The camp is the destination.)
Cherished my ass. You’ve done nothing but disrespect them since you were elected. The only thing you want is their resources so you can hoard a few 100 mil before you kick the bucket in a few years. Which I find completely ridiculous because it’s not like you get to take money into the afterlife, if there even is one.