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Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Speaking as an Englishman: fuck 'em.

    I’m so done with dealing with these antivax idiots that I hope they catch the new variants and suffer.

    I do feel sorry for those with compromised immune systems and the kids of antivaxers who also have to suffer because these morons believe the wild conspiracies that it’s a weapon for population control that is activated by 5G.

    It almost makes me wish the conspiracy was true and these morons were the target leaving the rest of the population alone.

    But I guess these loons won’t see reason until their grandma or child is gargling on fluids in an understaffed, overcrowded, and collapsing NHS hospital.

  • It’s a cultural skill developed over many centuries where armies stood on opposite ends of a field and insulted eachother before the charge happened.

    Here’s a breakdown of the aforementioned insult:

    “You Fucking” used as a layup for whatever follows. It is best to exclude swears for subsequent words unless you intend to punctuate the end with a worse swear. The only one up from “Fuck” is “Cunt” without getting into slurs.

    “Nepo” shorthand for nepotism, this is the personal attack element and should be first in the insult. If you imagine stabbing someone with words, this is the one that breaks through the skin. It also has two syllables so it can follow on well from “fucking” which also has two.

    “Silverspoon-lollipop” is the final thrust of the insult deep into their soul. This has three elements:

    • It is a second personal attack that is closely related to the first as it denotes inherited wealth.
    • It is the first part of “silverspoon-lollipop”. This paints the image in one’s mind of Elon having a silverspoon stuck up his arse and therefore making him a human lollipop (popsicle). Creating an absurd and humiliating visual of your opponent is a good way to inject a healthy dose of comedy which is THE key ingredient to any good putdown. Lollipop, as an inherently silly-sounding word, is the punchline again because of the absurdity of feeling destroyed by being called a lollipop.
    • Both sets of words have the same number of syllables. This gives the insult a good rhythm: 2-2-3-3.

    In closing, this is a skill that can be learnt it just requires practicing a few rules-of-thumb:

    • Target weaknesses and personal flaws in your opponent that they can’t deny.
    • Warp those flaws into an absurdity that adds comedy.
    • Be sparing with swears and use them as layups or punctuation.
    • Think about syllables and rhythm like one would do in a rap or roast battle. If it’s too long, split it into multiple insults.
    • Keep in mind your cultural sensitivities. For example, in the UK it’s pretty universal that the only swears more offensive than “Cunt” are ethnic and cultural slurs. I also learnt from my Romanian friend that a lot of the worst insults from there are centred around the mother or the sister.
    • If use your cultures’ sayings and idioms, which are more widespread in English than people realise, as shorthand.
    • Practice, practice, practice.

    Use these guidelines and you’ll have your enemy’s soul demoralised and destroyed their therapist will need a therapist. Happy insulting, ya bastards! 😊