One at the white house, one at the sun.
One at the white house, one at the sun.
NPD and BPD are both driven by an eternal sucking void of insecurity and negative self-esteem that can never be filled.
Narcissists try to fill it with praise and social status, or failing that, power and subjugation.
Borderlines try to fill it with limerence and victimhood or failing that, revenge.
But it can’t ever be filled - it’s worse than addiction, worse than being underwater in some shitty MLM scheme. It takes and takes and takes because fuck you, pay me.
So they don’t have friends or loved ones, they have hosts. They suck out all the goodness until there’s nothing left to give, then they start in on the pain.
Assholes, in the other hand, are just driven by simple greed, callousness and lack of consideration. They can and do still hurt people of course, but it’s not an all-consuming obsessive need.
I use bullet points; they probably learned it from me. Sorry.
It was from another username that I don’t hugely want to link to here, sorry. It only had a handful of votes iirc.
Now explain how to convince nazis with facts and logic
I have a bash quote about me.
… or did. bash is gone now.
Apart from concerted sociopolitical efforts to make an underclass that can be harmed at will and blamed for everything, there’s a couple of less deliberately malicious explanation for a lot of people.
1: Category violation -> perversion -> predator -> monster.
2: I don’t think it’s real -> they are lying -> why would they lie about gender -> to lull people into a false sense of security -> predator -> monster
Both are of course incredibly false and hateful, and both of course are pushed maliciously and cynically by many, but I think some people are actually taken in by one or other of these.
And then fundraise on that
Individual oxygen atoms are very very grabby; they’re stage-5 clingers on PCP. They’re straight-up homewreckers, and they cannot and fucking will not be alone. They need a friend or two, and they will go and rip molecules apart to take them because fuck you.
Now, if there’s nothing else available, they’ll pair up with another oxygen atom, and form O2, what people normally call oxygen; the stuff you find in the air.
But it’s an uneasy alliance, and the bond angles are all wrong so it’s kind of spring-loaded.
And the same goes for lots of other molecules - carbon-carbon or carbon-hydrogen bonds ferinstance are also kind of tense and uncomfortable; it takes a surprising amount of energy to snap them into place, like building a tower of interlocking mousetraps.
So smack an O2 at reasonably high speed (or in other words, at a high temperature) at big structure of carbons and hydrogens, and it’s fucking chaos.
The oxygen-oxygen bond splits, and the two halves grab the other atoms, ripping the structure apart and releasing all the energy that went into spring-loading those bonds.
The main byproducts are CO2 (a carbon with two oxygens) and H2O (an oxygen with two hydrogens), both of which are very low-energy, strong bonds.
They’re both gases, and all that energy leftover is released as heat, which does two things:
So you get plumes of glowing hot gas-and-particles streaming off the stuff that’s burning - and hot air rises, so the plumes point upwards.
But they also cool down quickly in the air, below the glowing-hot point, and that’s why flame has a shape: the boundary is how far as they get while still hot enough to glow.
Of course, hydrocarbons and carbohydrates aren’t the only things that burn, there’s lots of other molecules you can do this to, and the same principle applies. It’s just that carbony things tend to burn easily and well, and we’re surrounded by the stuff because that’s what living things are made of, so that’s what you tend to see being on fire the most.
Perhaps they misheard ‘dog’s bollocks’, and ran with it.
Humans are horribly, miserably energy efficient.
Seriously we evolved as exhaustion predators: pick an animal and just keep walking after it until it drops, then eat it. That’s our whole schtick. We are the goddamn terminator.
Just being alive and breathing uses up about 1500-2000 calories a day.
An absolute bastard of a workout will use up maybe 100 on top of that, which makes up for like a spoonful of peanut butter.
As such, you can’t practically lose weight via exercise alone. You need to bring calories-in down to less than calories-out.
The tricky part is doing it in a controlled and sustainable manner so you don’t just say fuck it and scarf down two whole pizzas for lunch in a week’s time because you’re hangry and don’t care any more.
Well, yeah. Same organs, longer tubing, slightly different cell types lining the insides.
Also the scrotum is just fused-together labia majora (you can even see the seam), and the penis is just an enlarged clitoris that wraps round the urethra.
Maleness is just a minor tweak added in post-production.
Yep, they’re just modified ovaries; they’re plumbed into the abdomen and all the wiring comes from there.
So, only the rest of the world gets superior technology.
The investors will love that.
Butlerian Jihad when?
Always assume your data is in N-1 places at all times.
Any drive can and will fail at any time, no matter how well it was working yesterday.
I’ve had people in with their entire PhD and years of research on one single drive, with no backup - just gone.
If your data is only in one place, it will be in zero places soon enough.
Disposable or replaceable data - which honestly is going to be 90% of your stuff - meh.
But anything that you need and couldn’t replace, that shit needs backing up to AT LEAST one other place.
As for the rest - drives can fail slowly, or they can fail fast. When they fail slowly, you start getting a couple of disk errors here and there, and you may just be able to order one in time to replace it.
When they fail fast, they just drop like a heart attack.
There’s no way to know in advance. If your data is safe, then you’ll either be out a few days while a replacement arrives, or you’ll be just about able to copy stuff across. At that age, I wouldn’t trust it farther than I could spit it. It could work fine for years more, but the moment you rely on it for something important, it’ll give out on you.
Yes. Zionists are nazis. It’s not hard.
Racist, expansionist, genicodal fascists heavily into ethnic cleansing and lebensraum. Sound familiar?
It was never about the specific ethnicities, it was about power. Back in the 1930s, Jews made a convenient target - they were isolated and ‘other’ enough, and they were slowly gaining equality.
The nazis were able to exploit the fear and resentment this caused, declare Jews the great enemy, and ramp up to a campaign of extermination to bolster their power and give cover to their ongoing invasions.
These days, Jewish people aren’t occupying the same social niche. You can’t exactly get people to riot about Elaine, after all.
However, LGBTQ (especially T) people make a fine substitute in the US, as do Latinx people.
And in Israel, they have the Palestinians to pick on.
It’s the same game, same tactics, same everything - only the specific names change.
Whining about downvotes gets you an automatic downvote.
Asking how to evade a ban is asshole behaviour and gets you a downvote.
Expecting people to give a shit about reddit gets you a downvote
Dragging your reddit grievances in here and expecting people to take your side gets you a downvote
Nobody cares about forum drama on another fucking platform, especially one they joined lemmy to get away from.
Until he dies, you say?