Don’t forget about all the low level non violent drug offenders she shoveled into the CDCR back in her persecutor days.
Don’t forget about all the low level non violent drug offenders she shoveled into the CDCR back in her persecutor days.
We got a real badass over here!
Wow, your sacrifices are truly inspiring.
I don’t know, I ain’t no huge fan of the “law and order” types. But cracking an 80something year old dude in the head with a hammer is pretty fucked up.
I dont have to be stabbed in the eye with a pen to know I wouldn’t enjoy it.
We have this ridiculous system at my work. Knives are prohibited, but get through all the time, tape measures and water bottles really piss it off though.
Might want to fix that typo there.
He’s not wrong.
That’s a weird thing to say.
This may surprise you, but “white supremacists” 🙄 Aren’t all that fond of the jews, regardless of their skin tone.
Or, if you’re not a moron, you can Firefox, and ublock that shit.
Well that’s mighty White of 'em! Are they gonna provide the tools, and not void the “warantee” if you look at their products funny?
And then everyone clapped.
What for? It’s not illegal to distribute flyers.
Austin really does suck, he’s bound to be a little fucked up.
That’s a fuckton of inbred hippos.
Pussy-ass censorship is why half the country can’t stand the left.
Just leave it on for whatever runs your phone calls. I emabarrasingly discovered that the phone app NEEDS microphone access lol.
Way to objectify Women. Asshat.