There probably are a lot of livid conservatives but we’re not going to hear about it. They rig the elections and they rig the media coverage.
There probably are a lot of livid conservatives but we’re not going to hear about it. They rig the elections and they rig the media coverage.
It’s what Trump would do.
He’s just a permanent petulant child.
The most blame goes to billionaires and allowing corporations to be people.
Most people that voted for this have been brainwashed heavily for many years by the super wealthy to think they want this.
It’s not an excuse but think about it: if our country had provided better over all education and actually kept the super wealthy and our media in check then this wouldn’t be happening.
We should have been fighting really hard to reinstate things like fairness doctrine and to have more news outlets that didn’t rely on ad revenue this whole time.
The problem with progress in the US is we are never able to focus on the most crucial issues first. There’s so many people and views etc. and everyone has different priorities. Rich people don’t have this problem because they all have the same driving goal: money.
So, there’s blame to go around but citizens pointing at each other is not going to fix anything.
You put the equivalent of mobsters in the White House and suddenly these checks don’t matter. As a country we fucked around and found out.
Seriously I tried warning people but they were certain that our existing laws would hold up. It’s heartbreaking.
So it’s like your average American doesn’t believe this is even a possibility regardless as to what they have said.
There are a lot of reasons for this. Many of us did see it coming. However, we have all still been culturally brainwashed to think that our government has too many checks for things to get this far out of hand.
It is a lot more difficult to be evicted in most states (even if you don’t pay your rent) than it is to be picked up by ICE.
I get it. I’ve been too poor to even make it to work at least a few times. (Could not pay for the gas or a ride)
The point is right now we need numbers to protect what very very little autonomy we still have. If it would absolutely kill you to participate then don’t but we don’t need this shit right now.
Don’t let the pursuit of perfection keep us from uniting. Now is the time for common ground.
Father Ted references are always welcome.
Women are the ones who are going to get it done. We have the most to lose.
How is any of this “chosen” when everything is gerrymandered and rigged?
Our biggest fault was being the frog who stayed in the water while it was heating up. We have just slowly been giving up freedoms with a little fuss but not enough to matter. We need to learn to say no firmly and with conviction.
So I have a stupid and ignorant question to ask:
I’ve seen arguments online stating that We The People cannot band together to sue Elon for accessing our personal information because he has been given “permission” by the president so to speak.
Can we sue him for being an illegal immigrant who is accessing our personal information?
Just hypothetical mind you.