If your video can be replaced by a title, it probably wasn’t with watching
If your video can be replaced by a title, it probably wasn’t with watching
I hate writing and reading xml compared to json, I don’t really care if one is slightly leaner than the other. If your concern is the size or speed you should probably be rethinking how you serialize the data anyway (orotobuff/DB)
No I don’t, care to share?
Facebook’s Shadow profile on you doesn’t care whether you have an account or visited their site.
Yea and that’s more than half of the cars driven in the United States.
I mean, how do you think websites work? Of course your mouse and keyboard events are available, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to interact with a website at all.
Zeitgeist could refer to the past though.
Nirvana was part of the zeitgeist of the 90s.
PGP can also do that, properly implemented, a PGP key with a large web of trust, can be just as effective at making immutable certified statements without having this weird cash based speech thing that crypto has going for it.
The fact that every single action you do with crypto involves spending money is ridiculous. I don’t mean the scams and stuff, I mean, every single thing, every transaction, every smart contract, every interaction, who wants to play around with a system that just pilfers your cash from you just for the privilege of exploring it.
At least with aws I can run code locally before they rob me.
Good news is, you will never be able to stop hobbyist 3d printing.
Sorry patent trolls, you can’t make aluminum extrusion, stepper motors, an extruder, and a short circuit illegal.
Why would a system meant to maximize the profit of the bar block out their best customers?
They only want to block fighters and predators because it hurts business, not for any moral reasons.
She’s not white.
Proton is not actually sandboxed the way an actual container is.
A) if the program running in proton was given root access in some way, say by tricking people into entering their root password for a claimed update, it would have complete normal control of your entire system just like normal.
B)apps running in proton still have access to the regular file system.
Wine isn’t an emulator or a vm.
Why do you say that? Can you explain yourself beyond just an absolute statement?
Intel’s CEO is an engineer.
I just don’t understand how someone can read all the warnings, get a driver’s license (implying their knowledge of the rules of the road) and presumably have years of driving experience and magically think it’s ok to just stop paying attention.
It doesn’t matter if the car fully promotes itself as self driving, it doesn’t matter if the laws surrounding it still require you to be present and in control.
It’s no different than 1000hp cars, just because the car is marketed as such, doesn’t magically make it legal to go 200mph.
You take them from one place to another, typically without their consent.
This is so not true unless you are using some super stable old Debian release and aren’t doing complex work.
Most DEs are super buggy, especially the darling child kde, which right off the bat makes things not super stable.
Additionally some of the most loved distros are rolling release and inherently unstable.
Hell, I use multiple distros daily, fedora and slackware, I also use windows for work, windows is by and large more stable in my experience.
Slackware has kernel panics monthly, kde crashes on fedora, Wayland has too many problems to count, meaning I have to switch to x sessions all the time.
Most GUI software I use has tons of visual glitches.
Yes it’s tolerable, that’s why I still use it, but I wouldn’t exactly say it ‘just works’
I would estimate I restart my fedora computer about 4-5 times more often than than the windows computer, and usually I have to restart fedora because of serious hard crashes (e.g. kde crashes so hard that I can’t even switch to a tty, meaning I need to hard reset)
Governments are also hoovering up encrypted files and storing them for later so when the time comes, they can go and decrypt everything.
Gov seized your hard drive and you feel safe knowing it’s encrypted, better hope the forgot where they put it in 15 years.
The image in the article shows the entire thing being 20cm and the actual ‘blade’ portion of the toy being around 13cm long. a little longer than the blade on a pretty standard multi tool like a Leatherman.
Is this seriously what the police were actually concerned about, I understand that it’s different in the UK vs the US, but this is definitely overkill. This thing would need to be pinched between your thumb and index finger like a cigarette to be wielded and is arguably less dangerous than a fork.
The people who can get holidays off are generally the people who have the means to vote otherwise.
Until the last few years, the only time I had holidays off were if I could get someone to switch with me, meaning at least someone was working that day.
Labor day didn’t mean shit to me working at fast food, and retail has sales instead of closing.
Walmart ain’t closed on labor day and neither is McDonald’s.
That’s the first and second largest employers in the world, not respecting the holiday literally made for their employees.