That’s a good point. May be true.
That’s a good point. May be true.
Not necessarily. That’s just what I did.
The point is, they aren’t making a permanent decision. They can switch or move at any time for any reason.
The idea that one must commit, is the problem. At first, I signed up for 3 or 4 servers. It needs to be pointed out that no commitment is necessary.
I assume mostly, because the free stuff doesn’t have a marketing budget.
No. That would be better served by imprisonment.
I can sense it’s dark, but I’ve never been able to see it in the dark.
Which account?
Reddit? Yes
Bank? No
Other? As needed
I’ve never experienced this. Everybody here uses headphones of some sort, and I have no idea how loud they’re listening.
He never mentioned the seat. He says nothing remotely suggesting she’s doing it intentionally. He loves that they have a perfect alternating bathroom schedule, as though they’re synchronized. That’s all.
No, he means lid.
I always put the seat and lid down before flushing. Yet none of the women I’ve ever lived with, put the lid back down when they’re done. So I frequently approach a lid that’s up, not covering a seat that’s down.
There is a very fine, very subjective line, between lame and funny.
Those are “Cage Free”.
I’m not sure what technically counts as “Free Range”. I think if the building has a small chicken size door, so at least theoretically a few could manage to go outside, that might count.
Kagi says the risk is pretty high.
Stop using the dynamic sound. That will help.
That’s got nothing to do with what sideloading means.
And the risks are very overblown.
While it’s possible, it’s extremely rare.
Mostly because the potent target pool is so small. Bigger potentials for bad guys if they trick app stores into approving trojan horse apps, because everyone thinks app stores are safer.
This isn’t North Korea.
Even China and Russia can’t fully block things.
Our networks aren’t nearly as controlled as theirs.
Not quite. You don’t need any app store at all.
You literally download an APK file from a website or anywhere, then install it directly. Could even be a friend with a thumb drive. Doesn’t matter how you get it, it’s just a file.
On Android you can download apps (.APK files) from the web, and install them without any app store.
One didn’t allow down votes. Seemed like a good idea. I rarely down vote. But in practice, when I do it’s for a reason. And I want the option.
Another went down for roughly a week. So that didn’t work out.
Which is one reason I embraced Communick; a paid instance. Been here since.