alias fuckit=“git add . && git commit -a && git push -f”
alias fuckit=“git add . && git commit -a && git push -f”
Especially that this was mostly a smoke screen considering how easy it is to register a company in Canada and then buy estate from said company. Suddenly it isn’t foreign investment anymore.
Siemens makes NX. Catia is made by Dassaults. They compete for the same space in the market
It’s a software that is used extensively in aerospace and car industries. It’s also ludicrous how expensive the licenses are.
It’s hard to beat for completeness of functions but also for complexity.
Working with Catia is the other way around, no amount of documentation is complex enough that you really understand what something does or can do.
Hybrid pow/pos has been worked on since the beginning. Peercoin is still alive.
Damn, rust really embrace the “Hey, Can I copy your homework?” Meme. I like rust btw, it’s just funny how often I see something along the line of “it’s like X, but in rust!”
A Mitsubishi Legnum Electric would be an instant buy for me.
There seems to be some movement on the European side as well.
As opposed to literally any other unknown entities? Which, let’s be honest, could also be google and you’d never know.
You do understand that any instance who federated with yours has access to your social interactions?
I’m always scared when adding automation around manual inputs that people won’t follow the proper syntax and screw everything.
My previous job was to write official documents for engineering changes in an aerospace company, standardized English and everything. Even with the really strict guideline we had typos, self-inculpating wordage and the likes quite often.
I see it more like your address is public in a sense that if I could knock on every door and look through every window I would eventually see where you live. But, I probably wouldn’t be able to quickly search where you live because it’s not made to be public knowledge.
AI take everything and makes it easily searchable for itself even if it wasn’t made to be.
It’s karma for their Microsoft rootkit.
Having to install things mostly through flatpaks works seamlessly until it doesn’t. Then you’re stuck in dependency hell where you have to open holes in your containers to allow access to files or binaries.
I’m at a point where I layer enough software that I don’t know If there is still value added.