• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • The prohibitions in question would include vehicles with certain bluetooth, satellite and wireless features as well as highly autonomous vehicles that could operate without a driver behind the wheel.

    Chinese vehicles sold in the US would have the same internet connectivity as a base 2007 Honda Civic. Surveillance by the Chinese would be practically impossible with those limitations. You know who gets a pass on installing everything from internet connected cabin-facing cameras, accelerometers, microphones, and GPS tracking? US-based auto manufacturers!

    That’s right, they can and will take all the data they have about you and sell them to data brokers. Enjoy paying a higher insurance premium because you braked too hard one time. Did your shiny new GM’s shitty drivetrain give out on you because their engineering is garbage and you want to claim the warranty for repairs? Too bad, you accelerated a little too hard that one time to get out of the way of a speeding truck and now they claim it was your bad driving that broke it.

    I get you hate the CCP, most of us do (except the tankies here but they’re a special case) but until we rein in the lazy and corrupt domestic vehicle industry it’s gonna be a hard fight to get rid of Chinese vehicles encroaching on the market even with 100% tariffs.