You can make Timeshift backup data too by selecting the Include Everything option as mentioned. The developers say that you shouldn’t, because ideally OS backups should be separate from data backups, but you can if you want.
If they’re separate, then it’s easier to restore your OS (eg. if you edit a system config file and can’t boot afterwards) without also reverting any documents and such you’ve been working on since then. Or to restore data from a backup (eg. a file you deleted) without also reverting your OS to that earlier state. Keeping your OS backup (for system restore purposes) separate from your data backup (for retrieving old files) makes that easier.
Still, there’s no reason why you can’t use Timeshift to do both in one. If your goal is to make a full backup of your computer in its current state, data and all, to restore in case your SSD dies (like Clonezilla would), then the Include Everything option will give you that.
It isn’t as positive as it sounds. Donation reform is something the major parties have twisted into a method of consolidating their own power. The two major parties have both been losing support to third-party candidates, and these reforms are now being used as a means to stop that.
The linked article is very brief and doesn’t go into any real detail. Here’s a more in-depth (albeit somewhat opinionated) bit of coverage: