But… Then that’s literally false?
Yeah, modern AI-assistants are LLMs, that’s not surprising. I’d even argue that LLMs are the right tool for the job here (but not all AI, or at least only as the part that binds the rest together)
But… Then that’s literally false?
Yeah, modern AI-assistants are LLMs, that’s not surprising. I’d even argue that LLMs are the right tool for the job here (but not all AI, or at least only as the part that binds the rest together)
Why would it never be easy? There’s no fundamental reason for why it can’t work as well as on windows, or any other operating system
Private companies, especially global ones, have too much power. Isn’t it kinda fucked up how a company can overrule laws in multiple countries all over the world, just due to how strong their presence is?
In theory? Yes. That’s the point. All I’m saying is that it’s not literally impossible, why is it so hard to understand?
Well, here we need to specify what “artificial” in this equation means. Because to me it just means “created by humans” (so, not natural processes). It doesn’t say anything about it not being able to be near-identical to natural brains
Yes, absolutely. Because at a minimum we can recreate the human brain, as we know the human brain can exist.
The question wasn’t whether it’s inevitable, but whether it’s possible
And the answer to whether it’s possible is a clear: Yes, because we already have general intelligence
But it’s very much not an inevitability, no. Civilization could always collapse before we get to that point, after all
That the human brain exists is enough evidence that intelligence is possible. An AGI similar to the human brain is then possible at a minimum
Can’t say much more than that for sure, but you have a starting point.
Maybe you just don’t like MOBAs, to me it’s one of the most promising upcoming pvp games, but I am someone who likes MOBAs and shooters
But you know that if it was a minority or someone on the left, they would have milked that shit until it was desert dry, then try to milk it some more
But instead it was a white guy who seemed to be a republican, or a centrist at best. So, not interesting to talk about
Honestly, I don’t feel like landlords should even exist
Sure, maybe renting can still exist, as long as it’s cheaper and government run or something. I would much much rather give my rent to the government than some rich fuck who literally gets my money for free
“housing market is really hard to fix guys”
Gives tax breaks to landlords
She says this as if the far-right doesn’t constantly belittle, cuss out, diminish, put down, and spread falsehoods about their opponents and minorities
If you can rally a local community behind you, it’s better to look beyond the limitations and negative influences of money
Yes, sometimes it is good to evade the law, because the law might be immoral, for one reason or another, and ranging in severity from not being able to buy weed that helps you, to not being able to flee from a country that might kill you
So there is some legit and morally acceptable use-cases for crypto, but still, it’s not much
Crypto actually is really useful for evading the law, yes, and so it’s good for donating to underground organizations (or to buy drugs or illegal services)
But that’s about the only real use-case as far as I can tell
You know what? You can find enough concrete shit from just reading his twitter for 5 minutes. Stuff posted in the last few weeks.
This is just a lot about people’s reactions to something, but nothing about what that something actually was
It’d be nice to see what the actual something was so one could judge for themselves
Edit: I took a look at his twitter, and he seems to be pro-trump and anti-kamala and anti-walz, calling him a socialist who let Minneapolis burn, as well as transphobia thrown in here and there and more that I didn’t bother to read
…so I’m gonna go with “the people’s reactions to him likely had a point”
Why would you think that sysadmins and application devs wouldn’t want to use JPEG XL?
I’m a developer and I like the format
I hate being right
Why do people keep being fooled by rich assholes