In case you guys dont know, Brazil is part of America
In case you guys dont know, Brazil is part of America
“We will genocide Irak so this does not happen again”
Warum benutzen Sie ein argentinisches Konto?
That is the question
Here in Argentina, there was a wave of dead fish because last month parana river freezed in certain parts. I row regularly since ~2005. It’s the first time that I hear of this.
In Ushuahia the sea also freezed one month ago or so (which is also new to me).
Now, im sweating like a pig. It feels like summer.
Edited for accuracy
You cant ask a country like mongolia to commit suicide just because.
If I’m not mistaken, and please correct me if I’m wrong, I recall that the ancient greeks dedicated a lot of effort in bettering communication of ideas.
Well, in defense of uber, we have monopoly cash. As of today, they should have applied “dolar tarjeta”, the drive probably negotiated some overpriced “dolar blue”
In either case, I’m sorry for your trouble. Idk if it is still like this, but it should be better to grab an uber than a cab here. If the cab driver recognizes you as a tourist, he will do a detour just to add Kms to the bill.
I dont mean to be snide, but the abbreviation for advertisement is ‘ad’, not add.
Thank you
Chuck norris could be the second coming of Jesus, and here you are, writing blasphemy
Co governance, if anyone is interested
I thought the UK’s pesence was more tacit. Co management of natural resources sounds like a lot. Is there any friction with the british or does this work for you all.
(Sorry, this question is soaked in ignorance.)
I get the feeling this thing, I mean, the ad targeting is far stronger in the USA (maybe also in europe) than in the rest of the world. My “ad targeting” is idiotic. I once was in brazil (argentinian here!). And got ads in portuguese for a year or so. I was a month planning on buying a computer, with all that that involves (google searchs, looking for prices on internet) and i never got an ad until i actually bought everything, then it was 2 months of ads recommending me to buy the exact same components i already bought.
As today, half of my ads are in german. Jokes on them, i use them to learn.
Recently? Maybe i’m wrong, but i remember a 2 years old news telling that france was pursuing allowing the police to spy on rioter’s phones… I remember it was not long after the “end” of the yellow jacket’s riots, so maybe it’s even older.
Dysthopic vibes.
La paz, 3650 m
I mean, i knew it, but it always amaze me
Also, Wien, 188 m… “lower austria” was not a joke
Venezuela has ~70% of the people against the regime, (nearly 90% counting the 5M that were not allowed to vote) and the needle isn’t even moving.
And in Russia being “singled out” is apparently a national tradition.
Sorry, I may be over pessimistic today.
In IT (the movie and, i presume, also in the book) ::: spoiler spoiler The kids realize that IT feeds on attention and that the only way to fight it is by ignoring it :::
Imo, shitter (X) is a cesspool as it is now, but I dont believe that leaving it to the hordes is a solution to anything. We need a better approach to deal with this people.
Half a year worth of my lovely fur ball sitting on the top of my desktop was enough to entirely block 1/4 of my CPU heatsink in a highly vemtilated room. I would have thought that it was uniformly distributing everywhere. Nope, it wasn’t.
Just open it and do a quick pick. And pet that bastard for me.
Oh, i didnt know this was like IT. i’ll tell my russians friends just to ignore putin’s regime
And here i am, thinking that the opposite of icecream was Surströmming
Bonus: at one point in time, there was ice cream served with pepperoni Apparently
We are legion