The difference being that the owners of the works in museums have given permission to view the content, and the people viewing the content are rarely trying to resell what they are seeing.
The difference being that the owners of the works in museums have given permission to view the content, and the people viewing the content are rarely trying to resell what they are seeing.
I would switch mechanics and atmosphere myself, but I agree overall that it is 2-2. Both are good for different reasons and they weirdly do not overlap on any of them with the exception of music which both were only slightly above average. With that said the OoT soundtrack is much more memorable. There is only a single FF7 track that I actually remember well.
Water Temple itself was not bad. What was bad was having to pause to switch boots. There are mods nowadays to allow equipping boots to the d-pad and it makes the temple much more fun.
This. I don’t understand why people think diversity is a bad thing. True democracy and progress comes when everyone is well represented and everyone’s opinions are heard.
With that said we have a lot of institutional barriers that need to be utterly demolished before the people will actually be heard. We have a long way to go, and the first step is to participate in your local elections and vote for the people who actually listen.
I have never had a phone that has successfully unlocked the first time using biometrics. I wouldn’t say it is a solved problem or a solution. There are also implications with law enforcement when using biometrics. They can’t force you to unlock something with a password, but they can forcefully unlock something with your fingerprint.
A key reminder the “One vote doesn’t matter.” argument is bull crap when hundreds of thousands of people have that mentality. One vote doesn’t matter when everyone else actually votes. Hundreds of thousands are not voting. Stop being a prick and go vote.
One of my friends is looking for a job and he never gets feedback when he is rejected. It never occurred to me it could be because the legal team had a stick up their asses.
They treat you like a child with no self respect. They are awful.
It’s their right and all, but I don’t want to hear how their international sales have dropped and how profits are down.
Of course the better politicians win with ranked voting. That’s why we don’t have it.
I’ve never really thought about it this way. Good point.
Not world news, but I’ll make an exception. Sleep well, puppers.
I don’t understand how it is so hard for people to clean up after themselves. Our parks and trails in the US are filthy. There is trash on the ground and garbage cans 10 feet away.
It is really sad that they had to erect this barrier, but it is laughable that people can’t respect nature when the entire purpose of their visit is to admire it.
I may be misunderstanding how it all works, but the venues choose the ticket service, not the artists.
These are the same assholes who sound like a jackhammer when they walk in apartments.
Do NOT blame the devs for this. They are not the ones to decide the direction of the product or the priority of the tickets they work. Blame upper management for making these poor decisions and the product managers for being spineless and not pushing back.
So they either did not do proper finance analysis or they are hiding numbers from shareholders, neither of which inspire confidence.
Why bother being committed if the DNC isn’t going to support you?
(Despite what I just said these candidates should be committed and the DNC and GOP need to start acting in the best interest of their constituents and stop propping up unqualified candidates.)
Killing education has been a GOP cornerstone for at least a century now. Education teaches people to think for themselves and make educated decisions, and those types of people would never vote Republican. The GOP are grooming children to vote for them to let them stay in power.
Their politics isn’t “support the next generation”. It is “how can the next generation support us”. Education is the antithesis of this ideal.
By the end I completely forgot he was talking about San Francisco, and I think that is the point.