If the stock market crashes and doesn’t recover, that money will be worthless regardless of where you store it.
If the stock market crashes and doesn’t recover, that money will be worthless regardless of where you store it.
Last time this account made it’s rounds, someone found a pic they’d posted of a buttplug with an old, bald white man clearly reflecting back off of the shiny parts. The account immediately deleted the photo after that user pointed it out.
That doesn’t answer what their intentions are but they’re obviously not good.
Exactly. It’s not as if this tech is going in the dumpster, but all of these companies basing their multi-trillion-dollar market cap on it are in for a rude awakening. Kinda like how the 2008 housing market crash didn’t mean that people no longer owned homes, but we all felt the effects of it.
Important to consumers, yes. Important to OEMs? No, quite the opposite. I don’t think that applies to screen size.
If you believe this then why even argue against us with this “the market decided” BS argument in the first place? You’re arguing out of both sides of your mouth and contradicting your previous comments.
What did you even mean if not to imply that people weren’t buying specifically large phones because they didn’t include these anti-features?
I wasn’t implying anything. I stated that manufacturers put things like a headphone jack into a phone that seems like it was built by Fisher Price and then point to it’s lack of sales and claim “people don’t want headphone jacks”
So then you agree consumers want bigger phones?
Uh, no, I’m saying that consumers don’t always act rationally and make the best decisions which is why “market trends” can’t just be taken at face value. 1/4lb is actually smaller than 1/3lb if you weren’t aware, but consumers saw the bigger number and thought the smaller burger was the better value even though reality says otherwise.
You forget that all phones used to be small.
I haven’t forgotten that. You may have forgotten that all phones came with swappable batteries, small screens, and headphone jacks and they sold millions of them for decades. That proves these are important features because they sold well, right?
Also all those examples you gave apply to all phones, not just small one
What does that even mean? All phones come with old hardware and are poorly built outside of a couple key features?
Apple sold a 13 Mini, which was nearly identical to the 13, as much as is physically possible, and it was a dud.
So identical that they were nearly the same price which could put a lot of buyers off if they feel like they’re getting less value for their money. Consumers also think that 1/4lb burgers are better than 1/3lb burgers because they’re bigger as A&W found out in the 1980s when trying to compete against McDonalds. “The market deciding” doesn’t mean anything rational happened or that it reflects reality. You’re simply cherrypicking the result you want and shaping it to fit your argument.
What edge cases are you referring to? Screen size doesn’t matter if the resolution is the same.
They’re saying the smartphone market is too homogenous and there should be more options so that people actually have a choice in the device they buy.
If it was outselling the main model every year then they’d keep making them small.
Why would they do that if they make more money on the main model? It’s not like you have a choice in iOS manufacturers.
Maybe because people aren’t given a choice as everything is dictated by the manufacturers.
Slapping 10 year old hardware into a phone with a small screen is a guaranteed way to make people not buy your phone but that doesn’t mean people don’t want small screens, headphone jacks, replaceable batteries, etc. They just don’t want the garbage manufacturers lump in with these great features so that these phones don’t cut into their high-margin device sales.
Replacing SMT components would fall outside of repairability for 99.99999% of people. More realistically things like ports, screens, and batteries should be replaceable since they’re typically connected to the main board with cables. Furthermore ICs going back on a phone is probably extremely rare while the above mentioned items are very common failure points.
Unfortunately phone itself is not impressive especially from OS update standpoint
I swear to god manufacturers do this on purpose so that they can point to the low volume of sales and claim “See! People don’t really want these features” when in reality they’ve just slapped a couple good features onto a completely dog shit device.
Imagine how many American citizens are sitting in these camps and will be deported to some other country as Trump tries to eliminate due process and rob them of their day in court.
I’d say all those EU (and Canada) countries aren’t striving to be the economic powerhouse that Japan is and China already has 1.5 billion people compared to Japan’s 125 million. Plus most countries rely on immigration to make up the difference while I’ve heard (but maybe not true) that Japan is hard to immigrate to due to the disapproving culture toward foreigners.
I’m pretty sure this is a woman though.
Is it possible that you’re just following too close if you feel these new turn signals aren’t fast enough for you to react?
Yeah, this is all a big conspiracy, and I’m in on the take. 🙄
I think you guys are looking to deeply and it was just a joke about the burnt hedge being replaced with a flammable fence (vinyl).
It’s literally all explained for the whole line in a chart on half of a single page. What are you even talking about? It’s broken down by data speeds and charging wattage. How much simpler can you get?
They’re already doing that. The USB consortium released new naming schemes and labels to fix all the bizarre naming conventions.
The Washingtonians that you want to attack don’t live anywhere near your border and rarely travel outside of the trailer parks of Centralia, so I think your anger is misdirected.