The States haven’t been united for a while now.
The Nazi Reigime in Northern Mexico/Southern Canada is my convoluted suggestion.
The States haven’t been united for a while now.
The Nazi Reigime in Northern Mexico/Southern Canada is my convoluted suggestion.
Glad to hear it.
How Republicans feel after murdering a woman by deciding the fetus is more important.
I don’t care who gets bitchy over this;
America chose bald faced fascism and genocide, over the chance to end genocide and not-fascism.
Suck eggs, whenever you can save up for them. The stay-at-homes are just as guilty.
News media is contributing to the big smokescreen that the Nazi regime in America wants.
To then turn around and say ‘while you were distracted’ as if the public are to blame for not noticing is just plain hypocritical shittiness from said media.
Of course they hate South Korea.
South Korea actually knows how to deal with fascist dictators.
Tom Hanks.
I am still mad over the travesty that is the Sully falsification. I’ve heard enough about his ‘bizzare’ Elvis performance, and his unnecessary rambling in the newer Disney Pinnochio to feel certain he should’ve retired years ago.