That’s not what you said, in any case.
That’s not what you said, in any case.
I really can’t think of any other interpretation of what you said.
That’s not how we do it in the civilized world. Democratically elected politicians should never have to fear for their health, no matter how terrible their policies are.
Future-proofing with ext4? Come on.
All citizens can do it. Once.
How is that ironic to anyone who finished primary school? This is literally the case for every people except possibly a couple of tribes in Africa.
Pretty much every damn scientist nowadays, no matter their subject, seems to be a climate alarmist. I wonder what that could mean!
The only reasonable conclusion is a conspiracy, of course.
Firewallcmd’s runtime-to-permanent is one of my favorite features of any software. Set everything up, make sure everything works before making the changes permanent. If not, just reboot!
Probably by knowing that after lots of studies there are no signs that it’s bad. And that if drinking water gets in your lungs, you have more urgent problems than asbestos.
They own the phone after all, they’ll figure it out.
Thanks for the tip but Mesa is not in the backports repo.
Why would an OEM need to buy a Windows license if the customer has no interest in using Windows?
Windows optimized for anything seems to be pretty much impossible.
Mostly not at all but sometimes I want to try some new features and that’s when it gets annoying. Right now, I’d like to try passing encoding capability from my APU to a VM I’m hosting but it requires Mesa 23 and Debian is on 22.
I run Debian on my server and while it’s sometimes annoying how old a lot of packages are, it’s ridiculously stable.
Pretty sure a low likelihood yields high odds and vice versa.
The message you replied to says odds, though.
Why do you think it’s more likely that they will take back Crimea?
Odd jobs, here and there.