Lol, I would love to ditch Windows completely but VR gaming still kinda needs it for now.
The BIOS boot options show only Fedora no Windows, grub only shows fedora as well.
There’s always Pathfinder.
This is what I’m talking about though, this pessimistic attitude of we’re already at the end, “O woe is humanity, we’re finished, there’s no point in trying to help! Lets just all wallow in our own self misery and not try to find a better way.”
This is why it’s exhausting to try and get anything done to try and better the world.
You know, I never understood how people comment things like this. The world is messed up, but there is always hope for change, for betterment, for there to be a fresh start in the morning.
Comments like this just released into this kind of depressing echo chamber just spread negativity and hopelessness that is not needed in the world today.
Care to bring examples rather than a little quip?
Doesn’t this lead to potential echo chambers though. If I go and block all content I don’t like, how can I have ideas that challenge my beliefs?
What about if I am using Podman and have the container as a systemd unit file?
Wow dude, do you live in a make believe world where anyone who you don’t agree with gets the French razor?
Saying anyone who supports either side should face a tribunal is insane and completely idiotic.
I hope one day you can learn just because you have such a high radical leaning and believe death is deserved upon all who disagree with your ideology, doesn’t mean that it should be done.
Why not Liz Cheney, a Republican who can definitely be more moderate than her fellow peers.
Opensuse tumbleweed.
Run a matrix bridge, sure you still have to have an account but at least the malware client doesn’t get installed.
Beatings will continue until the stock price improves.
I’ll have to double check when I get home, but is it possible to restore the windows bootloader to the windows disk, if not I can always reinstall Windows but would prefer to not if I can help it.