I didn’t know shit could clump that high without supports…
Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.
Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.
Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.
I didn’t know shit could clump that high without supports…
cue 5 minutes of
Repeat at next joint.
I say this in nearly complete seriousness:
Always has been
Always assume that at least 10% of polls are bullshit, from people not understanding the question, the poll, the answers, or people just screwing around, or intentionally choosing funny/ridiculous answers.
Poll question: do you believe in a deity
Poll answers: 1 yes there is a god 2 there are many gods 3 I believe in zorg the destroyer who will bring about universal chaos 4 no
Some people who would answer literally anything else are going to choose 3 simply for the lulz.
Should hold the same penalties as a poor person’s fraud.
Oooh, nice interrobang.
Yes, but now they can’t say they didn’t know it was in there.
And they can’t say “I voted for it because the rest of the bill does good for _____”
So it would help prevent them from keeping their mask on
And as we all know, if the military goes without approved funding limits, it completely breaks down and becomes useless overnight.
Sure would be nice if every single citizen of the united states gets to personally bitch slap every member of congress, presidential cabinet, vp, pres, etc… When a completely unrelated thing gets shoved into a bill.
There is 0 reason an (hypothetical) infrastructure bill for new sprinklers in hospitals needs to include a provision that Wisconsin dairy farms get a new milking machine. Those two things have nothing to do with each other. So why are they in the same bill.
If you want it to be a bill, put it in its own separate proposal.
I mean, what were they going to do, say “yes we keep slaves, next question please”?
Not even a little. I went out in shorts and a t-shirt for about an hour, exchanged banal pleasantries with family until my anxiety got the better of me and I had to leave, sat in a room with no windows watching old shows and snacking, and am waiting until exhaustion allows me to sleep a couple hours until I go to work on one of the two days remaining on my schedule. After that I might not have any work for months unless I can find something close by that doesn’t make me legitimately contemplate things. I have a broken tooth, some kind of respiratory thing going on, and an unmentionable medical issue that really needs to be seen by a doctor but I can’t afford one and my government insurance was denied because I made a couple thousand more this year than last year.
On the bright side, my truck is finally working again and assuming the now-slowly-leaking-while-on fuel pump doesn’t catch a spark before I can afford to have it replaced I don’t have to share a car this week. Which is nice.
Lol the people arguing about “evidence” and “investigations” are completely missing the real point, IMO.
If you or I were up on these charges, investigation, trial, and sentencing would be carried out in less than a month without hesitation or issue as far as the government is concerned.
The ONLY reason it’s taking longer than that is because of who it is.
Full stop.
From a certain point of view, you are 100% correct.
From a different point of view, he’s a person with meat and blood held together with a fleshy bag thing, and propped up by calcium sticks. Or “inefficient bag of mostly water” if you wish.
Not everybody is useful. Every body can be good fertilizer.
Fertilizer for a field.
Soylent billionaires: food for the rich.
There’s several of us in Ohio, what if we toss Mike dewine and his ilk to Kentucky?
must’ve read David vs. Goliath and sided with the Goliath.
Bold of you to assume that they can read, or that they have read the Bible.
In my experience not even “devout Christians” do that last one.
A MAGAt would eat his own shit if he knew a WoKe LibRuL would have to smell it
My parents have between 1,000 and 3,000 books… Even they aren’t sure.
Last time they were neatly arranged I was a child.
Right now they have 3 floor-to-ceiling bookshelves stacked as densely as possible, 3 books deep, with as many stacked In and laying on top as can fit Ina rectangle 10ft tall, 4ft wide, and 18ish inches deep.
Plus a handful of waist high shelves, multiple moving boxes filled up that haven’t been emptied since they moved in2017 and a ton scattered all over the house…
They have more fantasy/Sci fi books than every library in a 50 mile radius combined.
I still have less than 30 books to my name since most of mine are digital, but I’ve been going to half price books looking to get physical copies of everything.
The only celebrating I do is eating slightly more unhealthy, take the day off work unless it’s going to be a short day, and maybe look to see if any games in my “maybe if it’s on steep sale” list are on sale.
That’s it.
I don’t remind people, I dont expect anyone to remember, but it’s nice when they do.
My excuse for missing people’s birthdays is I DO know the date… I just don’t know what the date today is. Sure I know my sister was born on the 12th, but that doesn’t matter if I think today is the 10th and it’s actually the 15th…
So if I have that much problem, it wouldn’t be very chill to be upset with others for missing mine.