And what has this to do with being German?
I’m as German as you can be. I voted for none of these Parties and are actively fighting Nazis on EVERY FUCKING CORNER ,for example, I just helped to publish an Article about Nazis in our Trade schools, will this get me expelled? Maybe! But I did it and would do it over and over again! And then you come along and say stupid shit like “you’re just being German.”
“(…) you’re just being German.”
This statement in itself is being an enormous generalization of ALL 83.500.000 Germans, which is racist in itself.
" (…) rising AfD party wants to deport Muslims"
Which was followed by the largest uprising in modern German history. And let me tell you the People on the Street were… German :O
If you want to criticize our Government do as you like, I have no stakes in this shitshow.
My Party is not (yet) in the Bundestag.
But I fight Nazis tooth and nail on every possible front I can reach. And I’m not going to take such an unreflected and uniformed Statement about what “German” is from someone who can’t even read our language and pastes his worldview together from Global Press.
And I’m by far not the only one. Many Germans fight their Family, Friend and Colleagues about these topics EVERY FUCKING DAY.
How dare you to disrespect us like that?! WE are here! WE do our part! And WE are Germans!
So shut your racist mouth!
I pay you to stay off!