It also includes restoration of the child tax credit, just like we had during the pandemic when monthly checks were sent out to all parents and the child poverty rate was cut in half overnight. This is just an even bigger payment for the year they are a newborn.
That gas line goes right into Ukraine, they could have blown it up anytime they wanted safely in their own territory. So I’m not sure that makes much sense. They have not done this previously to avoid angering EU allies funding them, as some still rely on it.
I think more likely explanations are it helps make it easier to strike and and shut down a very important rail route for Russian re supply, it brings the war to the Russian people in a way they can’t ignore, makes Putin look weak, draws Russian troops away from other fronts, and if the land is held gives Ukraine a bargaining chip in any future negotiations with Russia.
Trying to decipher his words is like dementia astrology, who knows. If he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, we surely can’t either.
Yes this is the direct quote the article refers to. He rambles nonsense, often self contradicting, and then people in the media try to fashion it into coherent points for him, leading to a fake impression of competency, misleading the public and voters. This is the man who had to have his national security briefings summarized into a few brief bullet points with pictures, and he was apparently still unable to read them.
If he was ever going to follow through with it at all (doubtful), it was a hollow pledge that wouldn’t have affected most of the tipped income or helped most tipped workers in the country anyways:
Now things that Harris proposes like re expanding the child tax credit (refundable meaning paid out even if the person doesn’t pay taxes) could provide a huge boost to workers with kids, for just one example. Or for another, Trump’s proposed tarrifs costing each family $1700 a year on average. Or another, Harris continuing to appoint labor friendly individuals to the NLRB, helping to fight employers engaging in union busting activities. Easy choice.
“Google, nobody called from Google. One of the things like doing a show like yours, your show, you know, you see it on Fox, but when you really see it is all over the place, they take clips of your show that you’re doing right now with me and if I do a good job, they’re gonna vote for me, they’re gonna vote for me because it’s not just on Fox, it’s on Fox is a smaller part of it. You’re on all over this, those little beautiful cell phones you’re on, you’re all over the place. You have a product, you have a great product. You have a great brand. So you have to get out, you have to get out, you have to do things like your show and other shows and Google has been very bad. They’ve been very irresponsible and I have a feeling that Google is gonna be close to shut down”
Can anyone help? I don’t have a senile narcissist to English translator!
Well the username is apt at least
There’s nothing in the source you linked about Maduro releasing results online and some “hack” not allowing it. Maduro has not released any results.
The source you linked does report all the things I’ve said in my comment again though.
And it’s not just rhetoric, he is jailing his opposition.
Michael Steele is commenting and was a former RNC head, so he probably has some kind of idea of the scale of this being impressive. Would have been better to have some sort of past numbers published for comparison though as you say.
The government did not release them, and you’ve provided no source for your claim. Also, showing up to a courthouse as they’re all rounded up and being thrown in a jail? Give me a break. Many countries are calling for the release of the results, including leftist governments like Colombia and Brazil.
Evidence was literally uploaded by the opposition, and has been analyzed by multiple news organizations already who agree with their conclusions. Not to mention the exit polls and other available public evidence.
Here’s another organization that independently gathered many of the polling receipts with similar results:
The opposition leader is in hiding (who was barred by Maduro’s government for running, among many other tactics with government powers Maduro used to try to tilt the vote in his favor). Maduro has rounded up over 1000 members of the opposition already to try and prevent this data from being gathered and take more political prisoners. The Carter Center, who Maduro government themselves invited as a monitor, said that:
“Venezuela’s electoral process did not meet international standards of electoral integrity at any of its stages and violated numerous provisions of its own national laws.”
The only one fighting transparency and trying to hide results here is Maduro. These tallies were all stored on qr codes. Maduro could have released them at anytime and chose not to. Could have instantly been released the night of the election, as they were coming in if he wanted. Can’t believe people on here are still falling for this dictator’s bald faced lies.
*Making more oil than Saudi Arabia since 2018:
Yes they’ve been compiling them here:
So all the authoritarian sympathizers in this thread who are falsely claiming that the opposition is making it up can look for themselves. Maduro could just release the full data set with all these polling station receipts anytime he wants too, but he continues to refuse. I wonder why…
While Maduro tries to imprison them all and prevent the release of any results, the opposition is working hard to compile all the results they can get their hands on online for anyone to see:
The only person that can’t be trusted here is Maduro.
Following the CNE’s announcement that Maduro won the election, the Venezuelan opposition has concentrated its efforts on digitizing and publishing on the internet the voting records showing that González won with nearly 70% of the votes, documents that the regime has so far been unable to produce.
Literally what the opposition is trying to do right now as Maduro hunts them across the country, trying to imprison them all or worse. Over 1,000 people from the opposition the regime Maduro has imprisoned. Meanwhile Maduro hasn’t released any documentation that backs up his ridiculous results, results that conflict with numerous independent exit polls that show a landslide victory for the opposition. The election monitors Maduro himself invited, the Carter Center, have widely condemned the election. Leftist leaders in Colombia and Brazil are condemning him.
The mission, led by the Carter Center, a pro-democracy organization, said late Tuesday that the election violated Venezuela’s own laws and the government’s failure to release a vote count was a “serious breach of electoral principles.”
Maduro has all the results immediately available to him and all the many recourses of an entire country’s government but won’t release. Meanwhile he’s busy hunting and jailing opposition members who are trying to go individually from polling station to polling station across the country to try and get copies of receipts while the government does everything in their power to prevent their release.
Boggles my mind anyone could try and defend Maduro.
Oh and if you want to see what the opposition has been able to publish online so far look here:
The only one trying to block transparency here is Maduro.
Alright, then you strongly implied Biden doesn’t speak out about that. There’s been many people on abortion related threads who falsely say or imply that, and I don’t know any other way someone could reasonably read your comment. It’s still there to place an edit afterwards if you’d like to clarify what you meant exactly.
I know you’re a troll, but just in case someone well meaning stumbles across this, Biden has called for this so many times.
This took about three minutes to find, all from 2024.
He is also literally speaking on it this very moment, as I type this, in a speech marking the anniversary of the civil rights movement.
Here you go. Press pool for the meeting that started this whole thing. About as primary of a source as is possible. It’s very clear she’s being asked to help address root causes of immigration, specifically political unrest and economic instability in central America. She quickly corrects the interviewer when they ask if this is about the border. If anyone was the border czar (a term the admin itself did not use for anyone to the best of my knowledge), it would be the secretary of homeland security.
And of course, Trump convinced Republicans to kill their immigration wish list law because he was so upset that he wouldn’t get credit for it.
Q: Madam Vice President, will you visit the Southern Border? Do you have a trip planned or will you plan a trip in the future if the situation with migration doesn’t resolve itself?
A: So, as I mentioned to the experts, the President has asked Sec. Mayorkas to address what is going on at the border, and he has been working very hard and is showing some progress because of his hard work. I have been asked to lead the issue of addressing the root causes, similar to what the then-vice president did many years ago, but I will tell you that these are not issues that are going to be addressed overnight in terms of the root causes issue. A large part of our focus is diplomatic in terms of what we can do in a way that is about working with these countries.
So when Republicans are like, omg she was the border czar and didn’t even visit the border. Uh no, she was helping with diplomacy and economic development in central America so was of course visiting those countries. The whole republican border czar thing is misinformation.
You can say it’s not enough if you want, but you can’t say it’s nothing. Certainly gets Netanyahu upset at least.