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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Not the general public’s money, but the private owners when the goverment comes in and says,” sorry guys but it’s nationalization time,and it’s for the public good that they own these and make sure they’re regulated and federally maintained as well as regulated.( much like broadband an internet access should be but that’s also another quagmire.) Now this would give workers a lot more say and a metric Shit ton of transparency that we just don’t have when it’s a private entity. Now I’m not saying the government gets it right all the time (looking at you Fannie Mae, fredie Mac) but it is a FAR better option than trusting these American oligarchs to do right by the general population without being bullied by public opinion ( which a lot of news agencies have been “regulatory captured” so they do the work for these corporations in the court of public opinion Rudolph Murdock empire is a great example of this), we tired the carrot with this fucks for too long it’s time for the stick the size of Montana to club these owners with and either break them up like we need to do to Amazon and google or better yet nationalize them so they can’t gather and congeal together again like the pond scum they are. Please vote no matter how dire or how you may think your vote doesn’t count it DOES matter just look at Lauren Boebert almost lost by less than 551 votes (I think). I get it the gerrymandering, the bad hours for voting to keep certain working voters from participating, the long lines and the misinformation are all designed to make you give up and think your voice doesn’t count. Think of it this way they would not be going through all this trouble if the reblicans weren’t scared of Laing, they’re terrified of you and me coming together and making there they finally “find out” after they fucked around. We can do this together and still turn this boat around and get going in the right direction. We can’t just count on gen z to fix this (I say as a millennial) we got to back them up and dust ourselves off and help elevate each other to getting this done. /end rant

  • I really enjoyed it and thought the did a good job of transferring the “spirit” of the comic to animation (given the concept was not easily done) . Dan Harmon is in the project as well and although some already say it’s not what they thought and it’s better in small bits. I think that it is just a bit jarring to hear the voices that you didn’t make up yourself in you an thoughts not match. I think it’s on a smaller scale of reacting if Calvin and Hobbes were to get an animated series. ( I think Mr. Watterson made sure that will never happen which is good I think). For me it’s 8/10 or 7.5/10 with rice and can’t wait to see how it develops! ( I have a lot of hope for the series). Thanks for reading my unsolicited reviews haha (: