Because they’re small, smaller than short people
Because they’re small, smaller than short people
I had no idea, damn I never thought I’d see such a timeless project fall like this.
For the unaware (like me) here’s an article summing up Matt Mullenweg’s situation
Oh, can’t really try that since it requires root, but that’s really cool!
KDE Connect can get you most of the way there, unfortunately you won’t be able to auto sync the clipboard from the phone to the PC due to an Android limitation (the other way around works instead), but you can still manually send it over. For example, to make it easier to access, I added the tile for sending it in the quick settings
I’ll check your /c/ock once it’s up then
Ah interesting, is the process more automated with it?
So I’m assuming your drives are not encrypted, right?
I’ve never done that so I didn’t know you could, anyways I think I’ll stay away from these pooling solutions for now since I risk corrupting my data too much
That sounds promising, but I feel like it is quite complex for me, maybe I’ll look into it again another time, thanks for the suggestion and explaining to me though!
(Solved, explained in the post)
I’m trying that right now, but I can’t figure out how to decrypt and mount my drive at boot, I’ve read that simply giving the drive the same passphrase as that of the first drive would enable unlocking both at boot (reference), but it didn’t work for me, the drive remains encrypted and also not mounted despite me adding the entry to /etc/crypyttab
and /etc/fstab
Looked up this mergerfs, I have to say that it goes over my head quite a bit, if the point is to pool the drive capacity then what’s the advantage of using that over the native capabilities of btrfs?
pool the storage capacity of the drives for that folder.
So I could do that for the root folder as well I imagine?
Good point about the /mnt
thing, I think I’ll go with that, at least initially
I can’t fathom the use of Wine on Linux, clearly Tux has always had a Beer belly
It used to be compatible too? Damn
you remind me to say “fuck you EA”, worst ass move to remove support for Apex after you specifically enabled it. I haven’t played it in a long while, so I only discovered recently that they shut us out, I’ll say thankfully I didn’t, or I’d be so much more pissed
Pixelfed can be used as image hoster likewise, those 2 you mention are proprietary, so if one cared about that, they might prefer Pixelfed
…Neovim anyone?
(Bless his soul, tho, that goes without saying)
Very big words to describe us small men
Bro tipped his last fedora
If the optimistdaily says no Imma be real sad