I know of a bar that still has these. They were also the very last bar in the city to have a real jukebox with CDs. Honestly it’s a great place but the bathrooms are awful.
I know of a bar that still has these. They were also the very last bar in the city to have a real jukebox with CDs. Honestly it’s a great place but the bathrooms are awful.
In addition, ordering online from Walmart is every bit as bad as Amazon with the heaps and heaps of low quality Chinese junk sold under brand names that only exist for a few weeks at a time.
they’re outta control
I’ve also seen them at Michaels and Dollar General recently. Unfortunately they are not nearly as good as my memories of them and I ended up throwing half the bag away.
It’s pronounced meese
5th Gen iPod Video for me, circa 2006. I actually loved the device, but having to use the trash software that was iTunes is what radicalized me.
I don’t wear glasses and I still find my quest 3s pretty uncomfortable. I can’t play for more than an hour at a time.
When sending money I usually just gives some money to the group at the end of the show by hand
Lmao WHAT? You don’t seriously expect people to believe this…do you?
I work at a place that pumps several million pounds of liquid a day. As such, I know all about vapor locking. However, as a flatlander, I had no idea this was a thing. Thanks for the TIL.
Too bad it’s got that shitty ROG branding for cringy weebs. Almost worse than being seen with a MacBook.
Why are you recommending the worst BioShock game as a really good game? Shouldn’t a person start with the best BioShock game, BioShock? Or at least start with the second best BioShock game, BioShock 2? It just doesn’t make sense to start with the one BioShock game that actually kinda sucks, that being BioShock Infinite.
Thin chocolate coating on the outside, crunchy malted milk on the inside that will sort of melt in your mouth if you can resist chewing it. They are delicious and used to always come in a paper carton.
It’s because they launched this product with an actual reasonable amount of ram (16gb) compared to the 8gb they are still selling MacBooks with. So, if they can’t charge you $300 for a little bit of ram now, they instead are going to rape you on storage. Apple is still apple.
Discord is garbage software lmao. Has been from the beginning. I can’t stand using it.
Nobody wants to get into your apartment. This thread is about a digital scam. Have you been paying attention at all?
The most confusing part about this is that people are still playing GTA Online. Why…?
Doug Burgum owns like 70% of the city of Fargo, not directly but through a board of trustees or some other rich guy shit that makes it look like he doesn’t. I don’t live there anymore, but I still get triggered every time I see his name. Fuck Doug Burgum and fuck the entire shit hole state of North Dakota.
CTB is a fucking nut. This is one instance where I am incapable of separating the art from the artist. I threw all my CDs out.
Generally this works just fine if the console you are using is set to your “home console”. That’s what the home console toggle is for. I could see this being an issue if you have multiple consoles in your house, or you are game sharing with another profile.
Yep, I swore off any and all Chrysler products over a decade ago.