A lender only has so much money
https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/022416/why-banks-dont-need-your-money-make-loans.asp No they don’t.
A lender only has so much money
https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/022416/why-banks-dont-need-your-money-make-loans.asp No they don’t.
Because people are still paying it. That’s how you set the price of things. If people are paying 70k why would you sell it cheaper?
So let me get this straight… telling people who are struggling financially and can barely make ends meet ‘No you aren’t! You’re just too stupid and uncultured to understand these numbers!’ doesn’t get you their vote and even can make them vote for the other guy!? Who would have thunk!
So the bad guys here are the ones preventing others to use their research… right?
I don’t think anyone is asking for perfection just basic human decency, but I guess that’s like asking for a thousand talking unicorns in politics.
Don’t be fooled, taxes are just a way to extract the fruit of the poor folks’ labor and give it to the rich and powerful. Always have been, since their inception. Not just in America, here in the (highly idealized by lemmy) EU I cost my company 3200€ a month, 1850€ go to my bank account and 1350€ to the government, plus up to a 21% vat from the things I purchase. Amazon pays literally 0€ in taxes.
It depends. How dark is the kid’s skin? Are they in a poor neighborhood?
You are just rejecting reality then. You’ve said YouTube or other big social media to be the ‘virtual town squares’ but they are not, they are virtual malls. Also real life town squares can have rules imposed by the town council too.
They have plenty of other places to go with their content, some platforms aren’t for them and that’s ok. But they don’t want to express themselves shouting from a soapbox in the town square, they want to sell their content in the mall and these particular malls just don’t sell that kind of product.
I don’t think freedoms are opposed here. Creators have the freedom to express themselves that freedom just doesn’t force anyone to give them a platform. They can use their own or another one that’s willing to host their content, which there are many, and then if they, creators or platform, are legally punished it would be a violation of their freedom of expression.
There is not a fundamental right to use other people’s platform for your expression. That’s not what freedom of expression means.
Eu! Du ju habe a leucence fur dat neuf mait!?
This is a fuse box, with a flathead you should be able to open it and/or pull a small tray with the fuse itself inside. You Brits do your electrical wiring with ring-shaped circuits and put a fuse in every outlet.
This kind of outlet is intended for things you don’t unplug and a socket doesn’t make sense, usually boilers, ovens, stoves, ACs, alarm systems as already commented…
‘Train of thought’ lol the man’s never had such a thing. Maybe hyperloop of thought.
…but the task force sent to evaluate the island’s potential determined that only 5,000 to 7,000 families could be accommodated, or even as few as 500 families by some estimates.
…calling for the resettlement of a million Jews per year for four years, with the island being governed as a police state under the SS. They assumed that many Jews would succumb to its harsh conditions
That sounds more like ‘outright extermination’ than ‘displacement’ to me but ok.
I see you’re not the oc but as someone defending their point I’ll ask again, do you have any sources on these ‘plenty of pro-Israel Nazis’?
Do you have a source for that? Because antisemitism seems to be a core tenant of nazism according to everything I can find.
Also nazis, due to this antisemitism, seem to view Muslims as natural allies, see how neonazis celebrated 9-11 around the world (except in the USA) or this quote:
“…we could have emancipated the Moslem countries dominated by France…All Islam vibrated at the news of our victories…created a feeling of malaise among our Islamic friends…” Adolf Hitler. Last will and Testament.
A country full of resources is very often a curse for its people.
On a note, *meddling.
It’s true you don’t see many punk women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for punk men.
And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no punk women, and that punks just spring out of holes in the ground!
Which is, of course, ridiculous.
It might not be written literally like that but for Microsoft not letting third party developers write kernel drivers for windows would be considered abusing their position in the market very fast. The problem isn’t they allow kernel drivers, this is just ms throwing all the balls they can, is that they certified this very driver, as tested and stable. Without this certification most IT teams would’ve been more reticent to install crowdstrike’s root kit in their systems.
Can confirm. I’ve crashed most Microsoft products from msdos 5.
Be the change you wish to see in the world! Just fork loops , add data collection, trackers, and whatever backdoor the government asks you and call it something like ‘Innit!’. Simple as.