Episcopalians, despite often being called the Republican party at prayer, often lean pretty left actually.
Episcopalians, despite often being called the Republican party at prayer, often lean pretty left actually.
I moved to VA and took basically the same job. I technically make less that I did in CA, but here I can actually own a home and save. California needs to do something about their CoL crisis.
I lived there and made $90k a year. Lived like 50 minutes from work, still paid $2.5k per month for a 500sqft studio and qualified as low income for the area. If people making that much are considered low income, something has failed.
Beloved, his character arc has been interesting to watch
Is this a shitpost? Some new copypasta I haven’t seen before?
Yes, as long as that service is “creative” or “artistic” in nature
He reactivated the Florida State Guard. The samekingd of State Guard utilized by like 22 other states including California and New York. The FSG was created way before DeSantis came to office.
Those 100 corporations make materials that everyone else uses (mostly O&G) and the consumption and use of those materials (by we the consumers) is responsible for 71% of GHG emissions.It’s not just 100 companies burning coal for funsies
Be careful, you’re wandering awfully close to eco-facist talking points
Someone has never used any function more complex than =sum() in excel…