That makes so much more sense lmao. I’m definitely guilty of being bad at spotting satire in text.
That makes so much more sense lmao. I’m definitely guilty of being bad at spotting satire in text.
You appear to be speaking nonsense words, they all have meaning and some groupings in your comment do too. In its entirety though this comment makes no sense. An echo chamber is a place that many individuals may go to reinforce their views, with other members backing them up and attempting to remove any naysayers or disagreement.
A comment cannot, by definition, be an echo chamber.
Edit: What I find most odd is that your other comments seem to be very sensical. I generally agree with what you have to say, so this is a very strange thing to see you commenting.
Yeah! Here’s their GitHub
SuperTuxKart and Mindustry are so much fun!
Almost everything was web based. Being in computer science i did have to write code and compile executables that my TAs running Windows could run; so it wasn’t perfectly smooth. There was also Respondus Lockdown, but I could borrow a laptop from the library to use it.
For what it’s worth my i9-13900 was experiencing serious instability issues. Disabling turbo helped a lot but Intel offered to replace it under warranty and I’m going through that now. Customer support on the issue seems to be pretty good from my experience.
Oldest by release is my NES which I got recently as a sort of gift sort of “Well I’m not using it” from a family member.
Oldest in terms of owned by me the longest is my SNES which I got for Christmas when I was about 8-10 along with a CRT, I remember that Christmas quite fondly.
I don’t find myself often going through the effort to play my retro consoles anymore with projects taking up a lot of my time. If I had the time, however, I’d happily use the consoles over emulating, which I do frequently.
Thanks for the tip!!
From what I understand you always want to keep accidentals as close to their note as you can to decrease chances to misread the notation.
So you have a product that you’ve made into a system for getting answers. And then you couldn’t be bothered to try and sanitize training data enough to get your answer system’s new headline feature from spreading blatantly incorrect information? If it doesn’t work, maybe don’t ship it.
Seen a concerningly large amount of companies calling things they don’t like “unconstitutional” lately.
It’s so easy to think that it can’t happen to you. Then it happens. Happened to me, happened to cyber security majors at my college. I’m so glad he got the channel back. I love Son of a Glitch and seeing now that YouTube casually didn’t recommend his videos for months just means I’ve got more to binge I guess!
Had to re-read the title more times than I’d like to admit to recognize that “sick” didn’t mean the flowers were really awesome.
Never actually heard anyone exclude the hour, it’s always “half past 3”, “quarter to 8”, “5 till 6”, etc
There’s a project I could have written in Rust. Maybe some of the headache wouldn’t have ever happened using Rust.
I also didn’t know Rust at the time and it was a large project with unkind deadlines. I think the right tool for the job can also depend on available resources. So while the more unsafe, older tool I used caused a few small issues that Rust would not have; the project wouldn’t have been finished if I’d used Rust.
High school biology*
Not as easy of a choice when I’m struggling to get a job :/
I’ll take a bike over a car any day, but for people who were going to drive? An electric vehicle will save oil usage over an ICE one.
I tried for about a week: reading documentation, viewing and modifying example programs, using a Rust IDE with warnings for all my silly mistakes, the works. I couldn’t manage to wrap my head around it. It’s so different from what I’m used to. If I could dedicate like a month to learn it I would, but I don’t have the time :/