Mimic, perhaps inspired but neural nets in machine learning doesn’t work at all like real neural nets. They are just variables in a huge matrix multiplication.
FYI, I do have a Master’s degree in Machine Learning.
Mimic, perhaps inspired but neural nets in machine learning doesn’t work at all like real neural nets. They are just variables in a huge matrix multiplication.
FYI, I do have a Master’s degree in Machine Learning.
I disagree. Machines aren’t “learning”. You are anthropomorphising theem. They are storing the original works, just in a very convoluted way which makes it hard to know which works were used when generating a new one.
I tend to see it as they used “all the works” they trained on.
For the sake of argument, assume I could make an “AI” mesh together images but then only train it on two famous works of art. It would spit out a split screen of half the first one to the left and half of the other to the right. This would clearly be recognized as copying the original works but it would be a “new piece of art”, right?
What if we add more images? At some point it would just be a jumbled mess, but still consist wholly of copies of original art. It would just be harder to demonstrate.
Morally - not practically - is the sophistication of the AI in jumbling the images together really what should constitute fair use?
Many licences have different rules for redistribution, which I think is fair. The site is free to use but it’s not fair to copy all the data and make a competitive site.
Of course wikipedia could make such a license. I don’t think they have though.
How is the lack of infrastructure an argument for allowing something morally incorrect? We can take that argument to absurdum by saying there are more people with guns than there are cops - therefore killing must be morally correct.
The right to repair laws will take effect in (at the latest) July 30 2026.
Manufactures have until then to decide what to do. Maybe Apple will just straight pull out of EU or comply by then.
It’s a painfully slow process but better than not even trying like all other states on this planet.
Edit: source https://commission.europa.eu/law/law-topic/consumer-protection-law/directive-repair-goods_en
And the lawsuits keep pouring in.
Småland is also where the first IKEA was founded.
Hve you heard of GDPR? USB-C mandate? Right to repair?
There are plenty faces if you look for them!
They don’t, as others have pointed out. It’s just a standard single board computer with some addons and a case.
And fuck your versioning system. And you dependency management. And tooling. Why are there like five different projects trying to lock down the python environment? Conda? Venv?
Even Ubuntu tries to lock down python so that it doesn’t brick the install due to dependency conflicts.
You are arguing against yourself. In the first paragraph you say that the parents should keep kids from social media.
In the second, you say that it would be a violation of privacy if parents would keep kids from social media.
Kids need policing, it’s going to need to be done by the parents no matter what the laws are. Personally, I don’t think the laws matter much in this regard.
I’m on the fence about that one.
There’s an app called ‘buycott’ that does exactly that!
Good point. Touché.
As a third party I don’t think we should blame America for the genocide in Gaza. We should blame Israel. We are all complicit (and way worse of course being a sponsor) by not calling it out.
You did vote though? Right? Right?
They do claim to not share any medical data with third parties though. See other comments for source.
I wouldn’t trust them either way…
There were a few years when only a handful were supported. Before that it was as open as now, leaving compatibility responsibility to the extension developers.
They should pay you monthly for your costs. (:
It does though, their most profitable (as in profit margin) businesses areas are the subscription based services and charging.