Everything the US has done has been shit. It’s just worse shit under trump. That’s the whole point. People actively voted for worse shit. Cutting off their own nose to spite their face as it were.
Everything the US has done has been shit. It’s just worse shit under trump. That’s the whole point. People actively voted for worse shit. Cutting off their own nose to spite their face as it were.
Lmao fuck all of them. This is exactly what they signed up for. You fucked around now find out you worthless cunts.
The Supreme Court will say he’s fine though since he can’t do anything wrong as president apparently.
The only thing left that’s good about the US is the nature. But I’m sure our first monarch will see that ruined too
Space Karen disliked that.
Oh if you aren’t brown you’re ok. White places like Germany are the immigrants that are ok. Haven’t you heard “If it’s brown flush it down. If it’s yellow let it mellow.”? A lot of people think that refers to bathroom business but really it’s gop immigration policy.
Is Threema still a good option? Anyone know? I know it’s not a fediverse instance just a secure messaging platform. On that note though, can any federated platform really be used as secure messaging? Or is it too open?
His presidential library is just going to be a bunch of fast food restaurant menus.
Nah, they are too stupid, stubborn, mean-spirited, and oblivious to care. If they even notice they’ll just blame the democrats as they always do.
Rest of the world: K 👍
New drug lord collaboration center to open in france…
Motherfucker. I just got a bluray burner so I could backup things.
Motherfucker. I just got a bluray burner so I could backup things.
Por que no los dos?
Honestly, it’s not crazy to me. I am not as rigid about those things but I avoid them pretty hard in my own way. I don’t buy stuff with a launcher either. Likewise haven’t played rdr2. I block every ad I can. I don’t pay for streaming unless it is completely ad free and don’t habe any regular tv services. If ads are at a theater (i usually only go to ones that just don’t play ads) I won’t wait outside (gotta get my good seat), but I will ignore them and dick around on my phone till they stop.
Odd, because I installed from apk quick and easy. Making an account doesn’t work though.
I’ve tried 3 separate times to sign up for loops. The latest was actually last night. Shit fails every time.
Gotcha, that’s fair.