Make them in Mexico. Less reliance on one country is better for everyone.
Make them in Mexico. Less reliance on one country is better for everyone.
Italy’s problems aren’t new. Am Italian.
I live in a very, very touristy area. I just accept that I live somewhere other people want to see, and there’s real consequences to that. The consequences are significant. Traffic, crowding, high prices, shitty restaurants, etc. There are benefits though. And not all tourist jobs are bad. Yeah they’re not engineering jobs, but to the people who live off those jobs they are happy they exist. It’s easy for someone who is privileged to say no one wants those jobs.
It’s like one edgy dude. All the font is exactly the same for 90% of those. ‘Go Home Tourist’ is basically his graffiti name. News agencies, tourists, and social media posters love it though.
My city banned Airbnb and VRBO, and actually successfully made it not a thing here. Not sure why Barcelona cannot also. The water usage issue seems easy to fix, or not really the issue at all.
She and Jeff Bezos founded Amazon together.
What, how is Qualcomm competing with Samsung?
Apple uses Samsung hardware, btw.
This device has a notch?
Also when did Samsung attack apple for using M1/M2/M3?
When did we send aide last?
I think they’re talking about people on the right. They’re never sincere.
They haven’t sent them either of those things since last year. Only aide for Gazans recently.
If you were sincere in caring for gazans you’d be aware that when you say good luck with trump, you’re saying good luck with him to Palestinians, who will definitely suffer much worse under him. He will encourage bibi to finish them off. He’s very vocal about this.
Ohhh nooooos you’re not
I’ve been boycotting Israel my whole life
Transportation is a tiny fraction of carbon emissions. And EVs are a small improvement within that. Regulations and investment into things that matter are the only way out of this problem.
He has already posted the bond for the first order. He has to post the second to appeal. Which he will. He’s not getting out of this. Each bond is above the initial is in the article.
Biden wasn’t even on the ballot in NH and easily won via write ins. Presidential incumbents who seek the nomination of their win primaries. Without exception. Always. Biden might not be popular, but he’s much much more popular than anyone who even imagined running an opposition.
If you want services and products to compete with private offerings you need talented and competent people who could otherwise work in a for profit business and get a typical salary for that position.
Unfortunately 340k is basically upper middle class household in coastal cities. Mozilla HQ is in Mountain View, the heart of Silicon Valley.
Try buying even a fixer upper is the South Bay and raising two kids on less 300k in Silicon Valley. I’m making close to 200k in the Bay Area and feel like I have no money for extras like home improvements, no kids, 20 year old car, travel on a tight budget once a year for a week or so, and still behind on my retirement goals.
Rent is like 5k for a studio. Mortgage is like 8-9k for after taxes and interest for a fixer upper. Feels like having a semi nice house and a couple kids in decent school is for people making 600k+ per household.
NY post is awful. Deliberately misconstrued this Reddit thread for clickbait.
Web based vr pron works.
Sideloading apps is also easy.
It’s time for Pedestrian crash avoidance mitigation (PCAM) to be enforced as standard feature. Much better solution. Large vehicles will still need to exist, even though I agree fewer of them should.
Socially it is moving pretty fast to the right in many places. They still have trains and healthcare. For now. Most US cities are as left leaning as Europe is.