How many ways do I have to say it? I don’t need to know or provide an alternative to be able to recognize the current suggestion as bad. How tf are you not grasping this?
Let me try ANOTHER metaphor. Let’s say someone asked us both what the square root of 294,797 was without using a calculator. I say “I don’t know” and you say “I think it’s 4”. I don’t have to know the correct answer to know that your answer is wrong. And it doesn’t magically become worth considering just because it’s the only answer that was given. It’s still wrong.
It doesn’t have a 1% chance, it has essentially a 0% chance. The IRS has NEVER gone after an established church, and they never will because of the massive can of worms it would open. While astronomically speaking, nothing is impossible, there comes a point where something is so improbable that attempting it is wasted effort. In this instance, it distracts from people coming up with actual solutions because they’re led to believe that the false solution is worth pursuing.