• 9 Posts
Joined 16 days ago
Cake day: March 8th, 2025


    1. I may have used the wrong word but I think you understood what I meant. It’s not an essay, I was displaying the fact that some minority opinions and certain groups of individuals get targeted because they are easy target that helps sway the blame away.

    2. About your second point, I don’t think it’s correct or else we wouldn’t be reading the gloating in the comments I’m targeting.

    3. I am not and will never be a centrist nor a republican, but I will criticize what I deem injustice, bad policies, weak strategies (like ostracizing more of your voter base to make them numb)… etc

  • What a misguided thinking, way to shoot on their own feet. By now, it should be clear that anything republicans perceive as weak, fragile, or reflective of their own insecurities triggers aversion.

    trump managed to survive such perceptions because his mugshot projected a “cool” toughness or because narratives like “chosen by God” framed threats to his life as some divine bs. Musk on the other hand… getting his feelings hurts and being bullied by democrats does not create strong optics for republicans to rally behind, especially given their frequent ougabouga war cry of “dems/woke tears” or “go woke go broke”.

    Keen to see where this leads as musk is clearly expending significant influence at a rapid pace.

  • Just last night, the legs of seven girls were amputated without anesthesia, according to journalist Yahya Sobeih, due to the ongoing Israeli blockade and the ban on the entry of medical supplies. There was also a picture of an amputated child’s limb in a plastic bag next to their small body.

    This regime’s actions are cruel, and history will neither forget nor forgive what they have inflicted upon their fellow humans. Hopefully, international institutions (crossing my fingers for Group 195) will soon have the tools and reach to prosecute the thousands of war crimes and crimes against humanity they committed and continue to commit. Until then, we have the duty to keep on giving a voice to the voiceless and shedding light on their imminent peril.

  • I find it deeply disturbing that when I opened the comment section of a post discussing 400 (now over 700) dead people, mostly innocent children, men, and women, in less than 48 hours, the first reaction was to blame “Arabs,” “Muslims,” “Tankies,” “Leftists,” and “Pro-Palestinians,” using these minority communities as tokens.

    This is a glaring display f hypocrisy, these groups are portrayed in a positive light when it benefits politically, only to be thrown under the bus when they are no longer useful…

    Any human capable of experiencing empathy would have first reacted with disgust and indignation at the unfolding genocide, rather than resorting to scapegoating and divisive rhetoric, but it may also not be organic comments, what do I know…