note to self; flash mob if I’m going to commit a crime in public.
note to self; flash mob if I’m going to commit a crime in public.
doesn’t have to. He’s santa. everyone welcomes him into their homes.
I’ll take full responsibility for my actions
you were going to anyway dumbass.
he sees you when you’re sleeping
he knows when you’re awake
he knows when you’ve been bad or good so be good for goodness sake
do not open that sarcophagus. that corpse is a fucking vampire.
must be “rich enough to feel shame” for this comment and bitch out.
how hard can it be when you hold the Senate, Congress, and the supreme court?
and voting location mandates per capita.
any list is a hit list if you’re angry enough
more like rock throwing. I doubt they have many grenades left. the drones keep stealing them.
I don’t even care about his motives.
only reason why, that CEO jackass never allowed thousands if not millions of his customers to defend their right to care. the system he built, maintained, and expanded denied people their justice.
for that reason, and that reason alone, he and his family should have their justice denied.
It really is a real life trolley problem
…I try not to generalize.
sorry, ml users only deal in absolutes when it fits their narrative.
blessing in disguise. at least you can build a system so poorly that 10 won’t be forcefully upgraded on you.
The fact that you cannot understand it and blame voters for being stupid entirely shows you cannot live up to that standard.
Apathetic != uneducated. Plenty of people don’t vote because they can’t be bothered to.
sounds like they failed American civics, which makes them uneducated.
My own mother refused to register for DECADES because “I don’t want to be picked for jury duty.”
sounds like your mother failed civics as well.
Not making that up. I finally convinced her to register after pointing out jury duty also comes from drivers license records.
I bet you were frustrated. Now imagine 20 million Americans refusing to vote to stop a literal Nazi from gaining power again. I would ask how you would convince those 20 million but it doesn’t matter anymore.
when you fail to vote, you lose.
when we fail to vote, we all lose.
I swear you used words but dammed if I can’t find a coherent stream of thought from them.
if I didn’t know better I’d say most of that was AI generated.
what’s his end goal with implementing a hard-core surveillance state though?
and while we’re at it, why make it more transparent to the public when what they already do works great for them?
your conspiracy doesn’t add up and leaves more questions than answers.
honesty, your comment reminds me of my father years ago. he lost his mind listening to all the right wing propaganda years before “maga” was a thing. he died before Trump took office the first time. I imagine he would have been crazy enough to take drastic measures.
get help, seriously. no disrespect, no hurt feelings. your logic is flawed and you may be going through a difficult time.
please seek help.