Bye, Felicia!
Bye, Felicia!
I’m more surprised the little goon felt like it needed to resign. Isn’t being a racist piece of shit half the job description?
Plus, it’s a vehicle that’s likely to be shit for its owner, so I’m cool with cops having them en mass
While I’ll grant Trailer Trash Barbie knows a thing or two about insurrection, bitch don’t know a goddamn thing about patriotism.
It’s such a fair question that literally at no other time in America’s history did a president feel the need to use an extrajudicial torture prison as a deportation zone. WhAt CoUlD pOSsiBlY bE tHe AlTeRnAtIvE?! Idiot.
Are they surprised about what’s happening? I don’t actually think they realize or care at all as long as it’s their boy doing it
Oh? Anyone in the government doing anything meaningful to even try to protect the country would be a shock to me
I’m neither shocked nor alarmed. I’ve known America was dead since November 5th. Now it’s just a question of when/if I’ll get out and the knowledge that at least I won’t ever have kids to feed the fascists.
…you get dropped a lot as a baby or what?
Kings. They think they’re kings.
Except there’s no chance they will. America was absolutely terrible at killing its traitors and was dismantled as a result.
Awww, it’s the Trumpler youth
What fucking debate needs to happen? This country is literally being handed to an unelected oligarch who’s dismantling and robbing it blind, and it’s up for partisan debate? What fucking lunacy. It deserves to fall, quite frankly.
My guy, you don’t deserve genuine thought.
Well, purchased it from the person he made president.
I mean he might or might not, but they never will. They’ll install the next government and next executive. America’s done.
Something tells me you require no belittlement
Umm I volunteer as tribute, Europe